Globally Adsense is one of the most popular Ways to make Money Online. Nearly every Web Master wants to display Adsense ads in their blog. It was proven Adsense gives better Return On Investments. As a blogger during my journey I noticed many new comers are struggling to earn good from Adsense. To help you out in this session I am sharing some proven principles using which you can drastically increase Google Adsense earnings.
Don’t ever Change Adsense default Settings
During I Search “How to earn more from Adsense program?”, I found many bloggers are saying using “Allow & block ads” if we will block less earn-able ad Categories we can earn better from Adsense. Refer to them I did so for my blog. But after some days I found an Optimization tab under my Adsense portal. Where Google says “Please allow all the blocking Ad Categories, this can improve your earning.”. I did that and observed here Google is true. So in my view don’t block any Categories under Allow & block ads > General Categories. Yes if required you can block less Cost per Click Ad Networks.
Place Adsense Ads in between Contents
In blogging quality Contents are the key to Success. While placing Google Ads in your web pages always make sure that ads are near to the Content area. It’s much wise if you will place ads in-between paragraphs. This technique helps to improve ads visibility as well as better possibility for Clicks. As you know Google Adsense is a CPC (Cost Per Click) ad network. Using only impression you can’t earn from Adsense program.
Keep Publishing Quality Contents
To bring google bot to your domain the best approach is quality Contents. Weekly minimum twice publish more than 300 words articles. In this way Google will do index faster.
Apply eye catching Styles
You must noticed in Adsense there is facility to change Ad Styles. To maintain smooth look and feel many Publishers do Changes to Ad Styles as per their website theme. This habit reduces more chance of Clicks. Just imagine if your page is having black texts and you updated Ad Styles to the same Color. There is less chance of visibility. Compare to black texts if you will use blue Color (Traditional Link Color) for Adsense Ads it comes into the notice of visitors.
In my Opinion if your pages are not arising Contradiction to default Ad Style keep them as it is. You are always open to change Border Color or Font Style. These Changes not affects much in earning.
Avoid Link building – Get Indexed in Google
You must aware of Google hates manual link building. To gain popularity in initial days we do share links in various Social medias or Forums or Directories. This habit DE-index your blog in Google. During SEO Cycle it’s must we will Create Social media profiles or share links to various medias but in long run avoid link sharing. Google loves natural link building. Provide effective contents to your blog. User will automatically share your links.
To improve your Google Adsense earnings it is mandatory to keep your blog in Google index. Depending upon the number of pages indexed in Google your earning will vary.
Use VPN while Sharing Links
After SEO Cycle going forward if you are sharing links in any media use VPN or Proxies. There are many free Proxies available Globally. Take the benefit and use them for link building. Avoid link building under your IP. From your IP if you are Sharing links Google consider this activity as black hated SEO technique and DE-index your blog. Here my only intention to tell you where ever you share your links make sure you follow white hated SEO technique. During manual link building always keep remember that your activities need to look like natural.
Avoid other Ad Networks
To earn more from my blog recently I used Amazon affiliate program with Adsense. Sorry to Say this activity suddenly decreased my Google Adsense earnings. This is because of Adsense detected Amazon ads and started showing similar ads with Amazon. If your blog is specially designed for any specific products in that case affiliate programs helps to earn good or else avoid to use other Ad Networks with Adsense.
Choose common used Ad Units
There are several size of ads provided by Adsense. Looking into your webpage design choose the correct size ad units.
If you are using 300 x 250 size ads (where it is possible) replace them with higher resolution 336 x 280. Google commits compare to 300 x 250 ad units 336 x 280 ad units will improve your earning. While an user visit your webpage his/her first look rotates in the top areas. Place attractive things in top of the page. Including this prefer to show Leaderboard (728 x 90) size ads here. By allowing Google to show Adsense ads in your page you are sailing that much space from your property. Always prefer to sale more space as you can. I mean if you are showing 300 x 250 resolution it is more better to show 300 x 600 resolution.
Finally, Don’t ever try to Cheat Google
Google is the king of web. Never ever try to cheat Google. Google algorithms are too smart. They can easily detect all your activities. So do genuine stay safe. Keep remember spam activities can penalize or black listed your property.
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