Real-time SEO tips to improve Website ranking in Google

To improve rank of your blog is not a one day job. Many webmasters are having this query “How to improve Website ranking in Google?”. To achieve high page rank you have to add your continue efforts. Today search engines are enough smart. They love to show quality contents in the top rank. While planning a blog for high rank you have to optimize your blog the best. There are several SEO tricks which helps search engines to index your blog better. In this session let us discuss one by one.

Quality Content with long-tail keywords

Provide quality contents to your blog. Quality content is the key to SEO success. Depending upon the information’s regularly update your contents. Go for minimum 400 words articles. It’s much better if you can create more words articles.

Strong On-page SEO

As a first priority do proper on-page SEO. On-page SEO is the trick using which search engines will identify you content & keywords. In your content for heading titles use h1, h2 & h3 tags. While required use bold & italic letters. To display points use bulleted list or number system.

Manual Link Building

Create manual high quality backlinks. Do continuous submission in top Social media & Social Bookmarking sites. If you are dealing with Adsense program avoid to create backlinks from spam or adult sites.

Optimize Meta

Optimize meta tag information’s. Provide proper keywords & unique description for each page in your site. Look at the example below.

<meta charset="UTF-8″></meta>
<meta content=" width="device-width&quot;" name="viewport">
<meta content="JHARAPHULA | Vision comes with Knowledge…" name="description">
<meta content="Health Tips, Education, Blog, Business, Yoga, Beauty Tips, S…on, Gardening, Real Estate, Kids, Romance, Stories, Shopping" name="keywords">
<meta content="Biswabhusan" name="author">
<meta content="index,follow" name="robots">
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@jharaphula">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="jharaphula – Vision comes with Knowledge">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="jharaphula">
<meta name="twitter:url" content="">

Optimize Image

To optimize an image in your HTML page use Alt & Title tag.

XML Sitemap

Create XML based sitemap for your site. If you are with WordPress install Google XML sitemap plugin. It gives better result in ranking.