Yoga for Excessive Gas, Bloating, Stomach Pain and Indigestion

Do you have excessive gas? If so, practicing yoga may be exactly what your gut needs in order to help you make some much-needed adjustments. Yoga is known for its fitness and relaxation benefits and also for, but just the right twists and turns can also improve one’s digestive health and relieve uncomfortable intestinal gas and bloating that can be a hindrance to one’s daily routine.

Yoga is structured so that while engaged in the practice, it focuses on improving all aspects of one’s life. Through keeping the mind open and willing to accept new things, physical interactions such as learning how to move your body will take it into a realm where it can direct itself and learn about the world around you. Taking on a simplified lifestyle and mind-set will place a yoga student in the present, which enables them to focus intently on the task at hand (such as breathing or poses) without letting their minds wander or shift perspective.

Benefits of Yoga

There are many ways to target the gut in yoga, says Korchma. Basic twisting postures and breathing exercises called pranayamas can help relax our digestive system. It’s also important to note that it is best to take your time when preparing meals as rushing from one process to the next will not allow enough time for each protein, carbohydrate or fat you consume to be properly digested.

Yoga to relieve excessive Gas in general work the body in ways that stretch and relax muscles while reducing stress overall. Various poses done standing, seated, twisting, inverted, and supine all help to stimulate the gut in different ways. They stretch the belly, back, and sides while promoting good posture.

Here are how these various poses help with digestion issues:

Forward folding

Forward folding compresses your abdominal organs, which reduces the back pressure and allows fresh blood and oxygen to be passed to all of your digestive systems.

Seated twisting

Do you have any idea how long it takes a pineapple to ripen enough that it can be eaten? 3 days, 5 days or even longer if the conditions aren’t right. As a result, they are picked while still hard and green so they reach market in time. Each of these poses has its own distinct purpose but all are essential for a healthy practice.


Remaining in any of these postures for about thirty seconds several times a day can help to relieve discomfort associated with excessive gas build up. These poses promote a deep stretch to the abdominal organs helping them release their contents through intestinal elimination. Begin by turning from left to right and progressing into the more advanced poses while keeping the spine straight, they recommend beginning with Level 1 and continuing each day as you master each new level.

Strike a Pose

According to Korchma, there are specific yoga postures that can help relieve bloating and stomach gas pain. Some of these poses require no more than a yoga mat and the willingness to be attentive to what the body is telling you as you execute them. Other poses may be more difficult for beginners but are worth working up to if you want relief from constipation. Working with a certified yoga instructor who has experience dealing with the technique of pranayama is essential if you want some additional guidance on which poses will suit your physical make-up best.

Tadasana (mountain pose): Inhale and raise your arms above your head. While looking up, stretch your back and shoulders. Exhale and bring your arms down by your sides. Remember – don’t push yourself too hard, especially when it comes to strength training.

Urdhva hastasana (upward salute): Spread your arms in a “Y” and hold them high over your head. Slowly stretch to the left without moving your feet, keeping all other muscles in the same position until you feel tension on the back of your left shoulder. Hold for 5 seconds, then return to center. Repeat this exercise to the right shoulder but start with your arm bent.

Uttanasana (standing forward bend): This pose has a lot of names, but is most famously known as Pigeon Pose. The best part is that everyone can do it regardless of age – because you just need to be able to touch the floor with your hands. When you’re in this pose, try arching your back and lifting your chest upward a little bit so that it’s closer to the ceiling. You can also use this pose when you’re having trouble concentrating. Try practicing it for at least ten minutes when you first wake up every morning before you start your day so that you’re ready for whatever may come your way.