WordPress for Bloggers

WordPress is one of the most popular CMS. It is available freely for Commercial use. Looking into this today more then million webmasters are using WordPress as their blog platform. I am proud that I am one among them. I learn WordPress by myself only. From my past experience I can say WordPress is easy to learn. Still there are some areas where you may required help. In this regard to make your journey easier I am sharing all those problems and their solutions.

14 key Features of Under Construction Page Plugin

14 key Features of Under Construction Page Plugin

Many times we have to page difficulties and issues just because some pages of our website crashes or need improvement, meanwhile, the users cannot stop…

How to install WordPress on XAMPP Web Server?

How to install WordPress on XAMPP Web Server?

WordPress is a popular Free and Open Source based Content Management System (CMS). The initial release was happened on 27th May, 2013 by Matt Mullenweg…

How to add share button in WordPress blog?

How to Add Share button in WordPress blog?

Dear Webmaster, would you like to add Social Media Share button to your WordPress blog? If so let you know it can be easily done…

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