In our body insulin is a hormone which takes care to control blood sugar level. It converts excess sugar to energy rather then store it in blood cells. In case pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin Diabetes occurs. The disease Diabetes is like a silent killer. In long run without treatment diabetes can causes serious illness like Kidney failure, Cardiovascular disease, Heart stroke or Ulcers in foots. Symptoms of Diabetes are frequent urination, sugar in urine, increased hunger, feeling more thirsty then the normal & excess tiredness. To control blood sugar level read our guidelines for weekly Diabetes diet plan.
According to medical science in Diabetes blood sugar level can be control using healthy diet plans. Diet is the major input which increases glucose level in our body. Where in Diabetes intake of sugar act like a slow poison. Healthy diets & regular blood sugar check-up are the primary treatments for every Diabetes patient. So if you are a diabetes patient give priority to plan your regular diet. What to eat? What not to eat? know this. As per Indian Diet Plan intake of 1200 Calorie (carbohydrates, fat & protein) per day helps Diabetes patient to control blood sugar levels. On the way to watch you healthy let us share 7 days healthy diet plan for Diabetes patients.
Diabetes diet plan for Monday to Friday
1. Divide your whole day diet plan to 4 slots. Breakfast, Lunch, Evening Snacks & Dinner.
2. In breakfast start with “Fenugreek seeds with 1 cup of water”. Make this a regular habit. This is one of the popular home remedy to control Diabetes. After this drink leave 30 to 45 minutes. Then take your regular morning Tea (without sugar).
3. Off course after a hour of morning tea you will feel hungry. Here to resolve your query “What to eat after morning tea?” I am listing some of the healthy breakfast plans. You can choose what to eat on which day. Healthy breakfast plan for diabetes patients are methi paratha or palak paratha (2 pieces) with curd (50 gm) / plain roti (without oil or ghee) with egg white bhurji or panner bhurji / Vegetable upama, oats or poha.
4. In Lunch avoid white rice. In place of white rice you can take Brown rice or wild rice. During you prepare curry don’t add White potatoes. In place of White potatoes you can use Sweet potatoes.
5. For Healthy Lunch as stater before 15 minutes take Vegetable Salad. Then go for 2 to 3 pieces phulka or roti (without ghee or oil), dal & capsicum plus gobhi veg curry.
6. In evening snacks you can take veg burger, Roasted chana plus Muri, A glass of Milk, Cup of green or herbal tea. If you are habituated to drink tea with sugar. Replace your regular sugar with sugar free crystals.
7. Many people consider dinner as the primary meal for the day. In your dinner we can suggest you to take Salad (Before 15 minutes), 2 to 3 pieces Phulka or Chapati, Lauki veg & Curd. After dinner before into bed drink a glass of Skim milk without sugar.
8. Additionally, if you are not getting hungry than try these 5 healthy recipes to improve you diet intake.
Saturday & Sunday
Including your weekdays diet plan in Saturday & Sunday we are habituated to eat some Non-Veg foods. In this cause in Saturday & Sunday you can take seafood & chicken. Avoid red meat & egg yolk.
Additional Diet Control Tips
1. With the above diet plat it’s more healthy if you intake non-starchy vegetables & fruits such as peaches, apples, guava, orange, bananas, mangoes, papayas, pears & berries.
2. Drink sufficient Water.
3. Intake protein rich foods with your regular meals.