Use of Etiquette to Short Sentences your Guide to Email Writing

Can you imagine what a perfect email would look like in a parallel world that is perfect? We may not be able to ace it in the world we presently exist in but we can still attempt to. Emails are the most common form of formal communication used today. Whether you’re an up-and-coming professional in the business world or a senior member, professional email writing is one business communication skill you need to be equipped with. Writing an email may seem easy for some and a daunting task for others, but is something that must be skillfully crafted and kept concise for effective formal interaction. This Guide to Email Writing is describing everything you need to know about mailing skills.

Elements of a basic Email

There are some key elements that every email requires, especially if it’s a formal email. These are:

Recipient’s email address.

Subject Line – The subject line shouldn’t be overlooked as it is the first impression of your message.

Salutation – The salutation used in the opening of your email is important as it grabs the attention of the recipient towards the content in the email.

Introduction – For the introduction part, use common courtesy and friendly phrases or something more personal if you know the recipient well enough to forge the bond. Keep in mind to not use questions and other sentences which qualify as small talk.

Email Body – This part of the email is where the magic and where clarity is the key. Segregate the components of your content into different but short paragraphs or emails. Keep the conversation crisp so that it becomes easy for the recipient also to respond to the email.

Call to Action – Every formal email has a purpose, so be clear as to what you expect from your recipient. You can state phrases like – Let me know what you think. How should we proceed further? Any questions? Each and every email you send should have a clear call for action.

Closing – At the end of the email, end with a proper closing remark. “Thank you for your time and cooperation!” or “I look forward to hearing from you!” are some classic closing remarks which you can use.

Signature – A signature is another minute but an impactful component of professional email writing services which is overlooked completely. Add your name, your designation, your contact number, and a link to the company’s official website.

9. Attachments (if needed).

Basics of Improving Email Writing Skills

There are some basics that you must keep in mind while formulating an email to your colleagues, seniors, boss, or anyone in your network.

1. Keep the Email Concise

An ideal email should be anywhere between 50 to 125 words. But if the content of your email needs to include more content, then only keep the essential information in the email. Including a lot of information may take the attention away from the main message. Your recipients will thank you for keeping the email concise and understandable. The best business emails aren’t wordy, but very short.

2. Make sure the Email is Understandable

A person will not want to spend more than a few minutes reading an email. For effective communication through emails, use short sentences, bullet points that will break down your message into smaller components so that it’s easier to understand.

3. Use proper Etiquette

There are a few unwritten rules which you must follow for better communication so that you don’t ruffle anyone’s feathers. Do not add anyone as a recipient if they do not require to know the content of the email as it may lead to confusion. If the email needs to be sent to a large number of people, then use the BCC option so that the personal information remains hidden.

The Final Steps

Now that you know all the important elements of a professional email, there is one final step that you need to do before hitting on the send button, i.e., PROOFREADING! Imagine the embarrassment if you send an email to your boss filled with grammatical errors and spelling mistakes! Run through the email one last time catch any typos. Confidently, press the Send button and give yourself a pat on the back for nailing email writing. PS – You can also approach an email writing service for external help. You can thank us later.

I’m sure this Guide to Email Writing will help you in your Desk. Share us.