With a whole lot of searching and a little bit of luck, you can find a surplus of online job applications. Knowing what’s out there and how to find it are what make the difference between finding the perfect job and ending up feeling frustrated and defeated.
Know What you are Looking For
If you go to Google and search “online job applications,” you are presented with over 10,000,000 search results; you can’t possibly go through them all (if you can, you’ve got bigger problems than finding a job), so the first thing to do is narrow down your search to what suits you.
There are numberless companies who have online job applications available; from supermarkets to banks to insurance companies. Know what you would like and search for specifics that you have in mind. If they don’t have an online job application, you can generally download and complete one to take in.
Don’t Get Scammed
While you are searching for online job applications you will most likely come across some that look a little different. They may be offering jobs from home, instant six figure incomes, or easy work with extensive pay; click your browser’s back button as fast as you can. If you are applying for jobs and one looks way too good to be true, it is.
Likewise, if any applications ask for personal information such as a permanent account number, aadhar number or bank account information and you are not absolutely sure it’s from a reputable company on a secured site, skip it and move on to the next one. Don’t let your search for online job applications end up in a fraud report and a migraine.
You must know how to identify an online jobs scam if you find something like this either ignore it or submit a complaint to cyber crime.
Have Your Resume Ready
Often when you are filling out online job applications, the company will request a copy of your resume. Other times just submitting a resume will be enough. Either way, before you begin your search you will want to have an up to date resume ready to click and send.
Don’t Rule Out Job Boards
Employers tend to get overwhelmed with the constant flood of online job applications they receive. Even though you are actively searching, it’s a good idea to post your resume on job board sites such as Monster, Beyond, Indeed, and other reputable sites. This way, when an employer is searching for an employee, they will come to you instead of filing your resume away with hundreds of others.
Try not to get overwhelmed with online job applications; take your time and only focus on those that are relevant to you. Remember that there are a lot of people just like you who are filling out the same applications so send a resume that makes you stand out and once you’ve done all you can do just sit back and wait for all your hard work to pay off.