Filaria is a Parasitic Disease. In Filaria parasites infects our lymph nodes. The other name of Filaria is elephantiasis. This disease considered as “potentially eradicable”. Mainly Filaria causes from mosquito bites. Filaria caused by the parasites classified as nematodes (roundworms) of the family Filariodidea. Lymphatic filariasis is transmitted by different types of mosquitoes such as Culex mosquito, Anopheles and Aedes. In this disease swelling starts from lymph nodes and tissues. The result our skin get thick then the normal. Fever and pain with redness, skin irritation are primary Symptoms for Filariasis. Developing urticaria or pneumonia is also happening before Filaria. The WHO (World Health Organization) recommended preventive chemotherapy strategy for lymphatic filariasis elimination.
Elephantiasis is categorized into 3 types on the basis of which body part is infected:
Lymphatic filariasis: This type of filariasis affects the lymphatic system. Normally this infects muscles in legs. This kind of filariasis widespread in urban and semi-urban areas.
Subcutaneous filariasis: In this type of Filaria, the bottom layer of your skin and white part of your eyes get infected by the worms. In long run this infection on eyes can cause blindness. Early cure in highly appreciate here.
Serous cavity filariasis: This disorder appears in abdomen areas.
Filariasis can prevent by updating few changes to our life-style. Filaria looks very odd on beauty. Every Filaria patient wants to cure as soon as possible. In this session let us share few herbal remedies for Filaria treatment at home. These are tested and can be considered as the permanent Cure for lymphatic Filaria. To check are you infected with Filaria you need to go for blood test. Using 2 kinds of Blood test Microscopic testing and Antibody testing you can know is you infected.
Blue Clitoria Ternatea (Sangu pushpam)
Clitoria Ternatea is very effective for Filaria treatment. Take fresh roots of Clitoria Ternatea. Grind this to a paste. Mix some salt in this & apply this paste to your swelling areas. This helps to cure parasite infection. 2 times a day eat the paste of Clitoria Ternatea roots. Its more better if you add some seeds to the paste of Clitoria Ternatea roots. Anti-inflammatory properties of Blue Clitoria Ternatea can reduce swelling in the body and infected areas.
BEL leafs (Aegle marmelos)
Bel leafs are popularly used for the worship of Lord Shiva. Bel leafs are rich with various vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A from bel leafs help to treat Filaria. Everyday in early morning practice to eat 7 to 10 BEL tree leafs. Its much better if you can prepare and consume bel leafs juice. Chemical Composition of bel leafs helps to reduce swelling (inflammation).
Garlic Cloves for Filariasis
Garlic is a plant from Allium (onion) family. Garlic contains antibiotic, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties that keep your body protective against oxidative damage. With your regular diets make a practice to eat 10 Garlic Cloves everyday. Garlic helps for healing wounds in our body. Sulfer contain in Garlic boost our immunity System. Garlic work to keep harmful external microorganisms from invading healthy cells. Garlic is a popular ingredient in indian kitchen. Regular in-take of Garlic helps to fight against Cancer.
Nityananda Rasa
Nityananda Rasa helps to treat Filaria. If you are affected with Filaria take 1 tablet twice a day in empty stomach. Continue this treatment for 45 to 60 days. Intake of one spoon Pippali Churna with half spoon Nityananda Rasa gives better results in cure of Filaria (Elephantiasis). Nityananda Rasa helps in reducing lymphoedema, pain and tenderness in the infected areas of your body. This treatment does not react with homeopathic medicines. This Ayurvedic medicine should only be taken under medical supervision. Over-dosage of Nityananda Rasa may cause side effects like Dizziness, Fever and Headache. If you are a pregnant woman during your pregnancy avoid the consumption of Nityananda Rasa.
Few other Filaria Treatment Herbs
Shringa Bhasma, Sanjivani and Hinguleshwar 1 spoon of each take three times a day with little warm water. Shringa Bhasma can consumed along with ghee or honey. Sanjivani herb is well popular for its anti-inflammatory properties. During Filaria Sanjivani helps to reduce swelling and inflammation from affected areas.
Herbs like Daruharidra, Haridra, Manjishtha, Ras Sindur & Saariya are very helpful to remove swelling & thickness of the skin. Manjishtha is a herb normally found in north-west Himalayas. This herb is very useful for blood purification. Manjishtha works great for Filaria patients. It reduces swelling in infected areas. To use manjishtha herb purchase manjishtha powder from Flipkart or Amazon. In daily basis take 1 spoon once in morning and once in evening. Ras Sindur 125 mg once or twice a day before or after food or as directed by your Ayurvedic doctor.
Diet plan for Filaria Patients
Eat vitamin A and protein rich foods. Drink minimum 10 to 12 glasses of water daily. Oats, brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, pulses, pepper and legumes are also useful during Filaria treatment. Include fruits minimum 2 to 3 times in your weekly diet plan. Avoid consuming tuber vegetables like potatoes. Avoid fried foods, processed foods, fatty foods, sticky foods and candy. Keep your environment clean and clear.
Prevention is better then the Cure
As I told above few updates to our life-style can save us from Filaria. Make it a habit to use mosquito net or mosquito mat at night. Mosquito mat not only Save us from mosquitoes but also protect us from many harmful insects during night. Normally during a deep sleep we are not staying Conscious. The cause sleeping inside mosquito net is a healthy habit. Use of mosquito nets is recommended in the windows and doors of homes. During bed time wear long pants and long sleeves. Use mosquito removal spray where needed. Still if you found the symptoms of Filaria immediately visit a doctor. Treat early to cure early. There is no vaccine available for filariasis.
The best treatment for Filaria would be a course of anthelmintic drugs or antibiotics. While taking Anti-parasitic medications it can lead to severe side effects like Dizziness, Fever, Headache, Muscle or joint pain and Nausea. Consult your family doctor before consuming Anti-parasitic medications.