Have you ever suffered from chicken pox disease? Most of the people have ever got chicken pox at least once in their lifetime. This disease is not dangerous and it will recover in a few days. This disease is really annoying and makes our body look awful. You need to wait for the healing process when you suffer from this disease. You are not allowed to touch it despite this disease really makes you feel itching. Most of the people who suffer from this disease will leave some chicken pox scars that make their body look bad. You will feel shy because your body is no longer beautiful, especially on your face. Finally, you will feel unconfident when talking to others. But, you should not worry about it because you still have some home remedies to get rid of chicken pox scars. Here are some home remedies that you can have to remove the scars of chicken pox.
Honey for Scars and wound
Honey has an anti-inflammation and anti-bacteria property that is quite strong enough to help anyone remove acne and can also be used to get rid of chicken pox scars. You need to apply the honey to the skin when you are going to bed regularly. However, you also need to be patient to get the best result.
Cucumber is known to be effective to make our skin fresher and it also can make the skin calmer. There are a lot of people who use cucumber to treat their face with acne. It is true that cucumber will help you get rid of skin problems including chicken pox scars that are really annoying. You only need to take the cucumber liquid and apply it to your skin with chicken pox scars. You need to do it regularly to get the best result.
Lemon Juice for Chicken Pox Scars
Do you know that lemon contains high vitamin C? It is true that this vitamin C is really important because it contains a strong anti-oxidant. This anti-oxidant is really necessary for collagen regeneration. It is a main component of the skin and when you increase its level, and then it will help you get rid of chicken pox scars. You can drink some lemon juice every day or you can also apply the juice to the skin regularly.
Aloe Vera
Perhaps, you are quite familiar with Aloe Vera that is really useful for hair treatment. However, Aloe Vera is not only for hair treatment because you can also use to remove chicken pox scars or other skin problems such as acne and wound. The substances that you can get from aloe vera can help our skin growth and it will also reduce inflammation. You only need to take the liquid and then you just apply it to your skin with chicken pox scars.
Tomatoes as a Home Remedy
A tomato has a cooling effect that can make your skin calmer when you have wounds. You only need to make a tomato juice and then apply it to your skin with chicken pox scars. The tomato contains vitamin A that can regenerate your skin cell and heal skin scars. Still, you need to perform this home remedy regularly so that you will get a maximal result.
All of the women may be familiar with jicama. Some of the cosmetic products that they use contain jicama. Jicama is really useful to make our skin white. That’s why some of the women prefer jicama when they want to make a facial mask to make their face white. Therefore, it is not mistaken at all if you use Jicama to remove chicken pox scars that make you unconfident.
Get rid of Chicken Pox Scars use Egg White
There are a lot of people who take and use egg white when they get wound because they think that it can heal the wound. Well, it is true that egg white can help you heal any wounds because of fire and chicken pox. You only need to take the egg white and then apply it to your skin. Since it contains so much protein, then it is able to reduce chicken pox scars effectively and it makes your skin white again.
Chicken Pox and Apple Cider
Making a natural cider at home can help you tighten your skin pores and can reduce other skin problems like chicken pox scars and acne. In this case, you can use apple cider in which you need to dilute the apple cider in the water and clean your face using the water. This natural toner will get rid of chicken pox scars if you do it regularly.
Those are several home remedies to get rid of chicken pox scars that are quite easy and simple. However, you need to do it regularly if you want to get the effective result. You can try some of those tips above or you can also try the entire ways.
Overall, you also need to pay attention to your healthy and balanced diet. Healthy and balanced diet are two important things to keep your skin health. You need to eat some good foods so that your skin can get recovered after you got chicken pox. You are recommended to consume some fruits and vegetable. Some fruits and vegetables contain some types of vitamins that are necessary for skin health. However, it also needs a process and you must be patient to get the maximal result.
In conclusion, everybody does not wish to get chicken pox because this disease is really bothering. Though it is not dangerous and can recover in a few days, it may still leave some scars when the chicken pox is gone. These scars must be really annoying because they cannot go so easily. You need to do home remedies to get rid of those scars. You can try some of the tips as they are mentioned above and hopefully those tips can really make your skin get back to normal again so that you can be confident when meeting with people.