Every beauty wants to look more & more beautiful. To achieve glowing skin we do visit beauty parlour minimum twice a month. In a day today basis to maintain our skin we are using several creams & makeup materials. Depending upon our skin types there are 3 types of skins. Normal, Oily & Dry skin. What ever skin type you have facial is a very effective formula to maintain your skin healthy & beautiful. Facial is a natural treatment, it has no bad effects on skin. It helps to cure acne & pimples problems. With this session in below paragraphs let us share some of the medicated Natural Face Pack for your Skin Care.
Olive Oil + Egg Yolks + Lemon + Rose Water
Take 2 spoon of Olive oil. Mix it with 3 egg yolks. Add 5 to 6 drops lemon juice & same amount of rose water. Apply this gel as a mask to your face. Keep it for 20 to 30 minutes. Then wash your face with cold water. The egg yolks are rich with vitamin A, it helps to make our skin soft & smooth.
Coconut Oil + Egg Yolks + Honey
In 100 gram home made Coconut oil mix 1 Egg Yolk, 2 spoon Honey, 1 spoon Yogurt & little Sugar. Apply this to your face areas for 30 minutes.
Neem Face Pack
To keep your face infection free Neem facial is very effective. Collect soft Neem leafs & better guard leafs. Grind it with a little water. Make it a paste. Mix some sandal paste & few drops of rose water in it & apply this lotion as a mask. While doing allow 30 to 40 minutes to effect Neem on your skin. It is a best remedy for healthy skin.
Ripe Banana + Olive Oil Face Pack
Ripe banana mask is one more popular facial to keep your face soft & glowing. Take half of a ripe banana. Add 2 spoons chopped Cucumber, 1 spoon Yogurt & 2 spoon Olive oil. Apply this as mask to your face. Keep it for 30 minutes. Then wash this with cold water.
Lavender Oil + Aloe Vera
If you are a business woman moving out-side from your house to protect you from hard sun rays I can suggest this facial. Take 2 spoons of Sesame Oil & 2 spoons of Aloe Vera Gel. Mix wheat Germ Oil (1 spoon), Cinnamon Oil (2 spoons) & Lavender Oil (2 spoons). Apply this on your face for more then 30 minutes in morning before leave your house.
Natural Face Pack for Dark Circle
Facial can cure dark circles. Take 1 spoon Almond Oil, 1 spoon Olive Oil, 1 spoon wheat germ oil, 1 spoon Nigella oil & Vitamin E oil. Wash you face clearly. Give some time to dry. Then apply this lotion for 1 hour. This is a Natural Face Pack to cure dark circles from below your eyes.
Choose Fruits Facial Pack
Fruit facials are also very effective to skin problems. Fruits like Tomato, Cucumber, Strawberries, & Watermelon can be used as fruit facial.
Face is the index of mind. Keep your face healthy. Rather using chemicals or unknown creams take face facial at your home. It saves time & parlour expense.