Factors that Can Cause Leukemia or Blood Cancer

Blood cancer, which is also known as Leukemia, is a cancer of the blood-forming tissues in our body. Some of these tissues include the lymphatic system and the bone marrow. According to cancer hospitals in Delhi and surrounding areas, blood cancer affects the white blood cells.

White blood cells are produced by the body to fight infections. They grow and divide in accordance with the needs of the body. However, in patients suffering from Leukemia, abnormal white blood cells are produced, and they do not function properly.


Following are the Symptoms of Leukemia.

  • Fever or chills
  • Constant weakness
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Recurrent nosebleeds
  • Enlarged liver or spleen
  • Bone pain or tenderness
  • Easy bleeding or bruising
  • Tiny red spots on your skin
  • Frequent or severe infections
  • Excessive sweating

More often than not, people tend to overlook symptoms of blood cancer as common cold or flu. If you face any persistent health issues, you must contact your doctor immediately.

Causes of Blood Cancer

According to blood cancer treatment experts, the exact reasons behind Leukemia are not known but is thought to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Usually, it is considered to take place when blood cells undergo mutation in their DNA.

As a result, cells continue to grow and multiply more rapidly than usual when healthy cells usually die out. This gives rise to symptoms of blood cancer.

Blood Cancer Classification

Cancer Hospitals in Delhi and surrounding areas classify blood cancer into the following categories, Based on the rate of progression of Leukemia.

Acute Leukemia – In this case, the abnormal blood cells are not able to carry out their expected functions and also multiply rapidly. This is why the disease worsens quickly. Patients of Acute Leukemia need to be treated timely and aggressively.

Chronic Leukemia – There are many varieties of Chronic Leukemia. In some patients, too many cells are formed, while in other too few are produced. Here, the blood cells replicate at a much slower rate. This is why almost every blood cancer treatment centre claims that Chronic Leukemia can remain undiagnosed for many years.

Based on the type of white blood cells Affected

Lymphocytic Leukemia – This form for Leukemia affects the lymphatic tissues which are responsible for making up the immune system

Myelogenous Leukemia – This form of Leukemia affects the myeloid cells which are responsible for forming platelets, red and white blood cells


There are a number of treatment options available for Leukemia. The approach to be used depends on various factors including the patient’s age, health, and whether the Leukemia cells have spread to the cerebrospinal fluid or not.

Some of the prominent treatment options are as follows.

Chemotherapy – Refers to the administration of drugs which kill the cancer cells. This is done orally, using a catheter or intravenously.

Targeted Therapy – These are drugs which affect any particular attribute of the rapidly growing cells rather than killing them.

Radiation Therapy – In this case, high-energy radiation is to target cancer cells. This is especially useful when the cancer cells have spread to the brain or spleen.