Having proper personal hygiene is vital in a person’s daily life. Daily routines keep the body clean. Examples of these are handwashing, brushing of teeth, washing your hair, using deodorant and scrubbing your body with soap and water. Personal hygine habits not only keeps us clean but also keep us fresh for whole the day. In a professional platform personal hygine helps to develop better professionalism.
Effects of poor Personal Hygiene
It was noticed due to busy schedules we ignore personal hygine activities. When these habits get overlooked, consequences develop ranging from health to social problems. On daily basis our personal hygine hamppers due to various reasons like touching others, getting faeces (poo) or other body fluids on your hands, handling contaminated food or coming into contact with dirty objects. It is very offensive if somebody reacts on you for your body odor or bad breath. Here we’ll take a look at the 7 effects of poor personal hygiene.
1. Body Odor
From the interaction of sweat and bacteria produced from the apocrine glands, it produces body odor. Many of us think body odor comes from sweat but it’s not true body odor comes from bacterias. From unwashed sweat, bacteria increases and as time passes by, it results in a smell. Overall, it starts with poor personal hygiene. You must noticed those are not getting bath regularly you can’t stand near them. Going ahead body odor develops various skin deseases.
To prevent body odor our young generation is using various deo or perfumes. Offcourse use chemicals to smell nice but in behind keep clean to your body surface. While bathing use neem shops. Anti-oxidant properties of neem helps to kill bacterias and fungus.
2. Bad Breath
Bad breath is another typical result of poor Personal hygiene. You can get it from irregular flossing and brushing of teeth. The bacteria grows on food particles that get stuck inside your teeths. When the bacteria digests this leftover, they produce an odor that associates with bad breath. During a professional atomspere bad breath bring very bad impression. In long run bad breath can create pyria or oral cancer.
Another reason, according to the American Dental Association, for bad breath is that the food in your teeth starts to rot producing a foul odor. To prevent bad breath during Official hours you can take the help of a mouth freshners if needed. During team work bad breath creates difficulties for other team mates.
3. Urinary Tract Infection
A majority of infections are a result of bacteria that reside in the intestines called the Escherichia coli. When these bacteria manage to reach the urethra, it moves to the bladder and kidneys which may result in pain, fever and urinary tract problems.
Proper toilet habits are needed to avoid getting infected. Make sure the toilet you are using is flushed well before you. Ensure to clean your hands after you use the toilet. Use soap and water or an alcohol jelly to remove any bacteria that may cause an infection completely.
Another alternative is to buy a bidet toilet. These toilets have a lot of features that enhances toilet hygiene. Take, for example, a bidet’s automatic washing of the rear area decreases the need for you to get your hands down there. Thus reducing contact and spreading of bacteria.
Most bidets now-a-days are available online for purchase. An example is Bidet Genius that mainly has bidet toilet seats.
4. Dental Diseases
Bad breath is not the only by-product of poor dental hygiene. It also leads to a series of dental diseases. From bleeding gum to Pyria kind of oral deseses can happen due to poor oral care. A plaque begins to form, at the start, where the food particles and bacteria gather. The bacteria within the plaque breaks down your teeth’s enamel when it releases some acids.
As this continues, a calculus starts to form. It is a hard substance that can irritate the surrounding gums that leads to inflammation of gums, gingivitis and when worst comes to worst, gum disease. This disease destroys your teeth when it causes an infection. To prevent you from dental deseases use floride and calcium reach toothpastes. If your toothpaste contains salt it is much appriciated.
5. Body Lice
Body lice are insects that grow in clothes and beddings. These insects bite areas in the waist, armpit and groin area as these are the most convenient for them to creep into the skin from clothes. It is necessary to take regular baths and wearing of fresh clothes regularly to avoid these insects.
6. Skin Deseases
In long run poor personal hygine can bring Skin deseases. Skin deseases are difficult to cure and can damage your beautiful skin. A little attention to personal hygine can save you from various harmful skin infections like Acne, Psoriasis, Alopecia Areata, Ichthyosis and Scleroderma.
7. Heel Repair
With growing age our heels get dry and cracked. Regular use of good heel repairing cream effectively moisturizes and soothes cracked heels. In professional world Cracked heel creates bad impression. While using a high heel Cracked heel looks very odd. In this matter I would like to suggest you keep clean your foots well. Daily before into bed wash your legs and foots well. Monthly once wash your foots with warm water. If you are using heel repairing cream go for Krack Heel Repair Cream.
In summary, by merely overlooking or forgetting to execute the proper habits for personal hygiene, you risk yourself to getting exposed to various diseases and infections. Prevent bacteria, virus, insects and more from attacking you with regular proper hygiene. Wash your hands regularly when your hands are obviously dirty, after touching rubbish, dirty objects, before and after eating foods, after blowing your nose, after handling pets or animals, after visiting someone who is sick and after treating cuts or wounds. Keeping your hands clean is a healthy practice.