Having a website doesn’t mean you’ll be seen, as most people only look at the search results on their first page. Half of all internet users never scroll past three listings, so if your business isn’t visible on those initial pages, it’s time to optimize for SEO.
Suppose you run a small business that serves people outside your immediate area. Optimizing the website gets potential customers to see what they want and need in their search results – which means more revenue for everyone! In that case, small business SEO is vital because nearly 9 out of 10 consumers read online reviews before making any purchase.
1. Use Google’s Keyword Planner
The Google Keyword Planner is a fantastic tool for generating keywords that will help you optimize your website. This free service scans the web and extracts keyword suggestions based on what it finds on any page, so there’s no need to guess how well-researched a term might be! The Keyword Planner is a free tool to help you find popular keywords for your site. You need an account with Google Ads, but it’s unnecessary to place ads to use this feature.
2. No Keyword Stuffing
It’s essential to avoid being overenthusiastic with your new words. This can result from choosing too many search phrases, or they are not camouflaged within the text of every blog post and article, especially those headline-style sentences that seem fun but look awkward when read aloud! Otherwise, your site will be penalized by Google. Visitors may also become discouraged with poorly-written and overstuffed content, which makes them less likely to come back again in the future or even tell their friends about what you have on offer.
3. Create a Google Local Places Listing
Google is a great way to find local businesses. When someone enters your business name into Google, they should be able to see a preview of what you have for sale. This will give them more information about the type of services or products offered at this location and allow potential customers who might need those things right away access before deciding whether going over there is worth their time! By creating an account and adding your company name, phone number, or address in the listings section of Google, you can increase exposure for free.
4. Encourage Customers to Leave Reviews
Google loves business with lots of good reviews. The more reviews you have, the better. So, if you want your business to be found by customers on Google Local Business pages listings, then clients must take the time and submit their feedback through this platform! It puts your name in front of people and helps with search engine optimization (SEO). Ensure that any testimonials or user-generated content comply with the following regulations where applicable.
5. Scope Out the Competition
Google’s Keyword Planner is an excellent tool for checking out competitors’ sites and seeing what keywords they’re using. You can use this information to tweak your campaign strategy accordingly! One way to see how a competitor uses keywords is by running Google searches for your target phrases. Top-ranking sites will help you understand what they’re doing better than anyone else, and it might just give an idea of where improvements could be made in one’s strategy.
6. Make your Site Mobile-Friendly
Google is a massive part of the internet today, and they have been making sure that mobile users are getting just as much attention from websites. Your site needs to be mobile-responsive if you want it to rank well on Google. The algorithm updates they have made over the years will only penalize sites with outdated designs and poor page speed performance, which translates into an inability of visitors to view content on a desktop computer. You’ll never miss out again by checking if your site can be seen on an iPhone or Android device.
7. Include SEO in Image Tags and Files
Indexing images without tags is crucial to ensure users see what they’re looking for when browsing your site. Make sure each image has its unique title and keyword. Then use these properties in search engine optimization (SEO) by adding SEO-friendly filenames like keywords into the caption or the file name of every uploaded photo.
8. See How Users Navigate your Site
To increase traffic and sales, you need to know what people are searching for on your site. Investigate within the account by looking at search terms that lead visitors directly towards specific products or services offered through a business’s website. For example, if one of these words is “brochure,” this might indicate how you could create better content around your brochures, so they show up higher in searches.
9. Write Individualized Product Descriptions
The key to improving rankings and limiting penalties is writing your product descriptions. Remember that your content should not be too similar to descriptions found on other websites, including Wikipedia and manufacturer’s sites! This means that you should avoid copying/pasting content from other websites onto the one containing information about each item being sold, even if it occurs on different pages within the said website.
10. Do Not Expect Quick Results
Tracking data is a great way to see how your ideas are working, but keep in mind that web marketing can be complex, and it may take some time before you notice results from SEO. It’s an ongoing strategy that starts with long-term goals, so don’t expect quick wins! The more you use your marketing strategy, the better it will work for you. You won’t have to start over from scratch every time there’s an analytics adjustment. Still, no changes should be dramatic enough to disrupt established processes or outcomes of what has been working well beforehand.
11. Think Like a Customer
What would you type into Google if your business needed a website? It’s essential to develop as many keywords for use on websites, social media pages, or listings to find the best one that’ll bring results! Brainstorming ideas and narrowing them down can help with keyword research.
12. Make Landing Pages unique
The goal of your website is not only to sell products or services but also to highlight their differences. The more unique pages you have with the information on each topic and ordered differently will help visitors find what they’re looking for quickly.
13. Create Target Local Keywords
Creating a local page listing is essential for both consumers and search engines. The information you add should be clear, natural, and helpful to those who visit your website or business’s social media account – this will help promote the brand.
14. Follow SEO Trends
Algorithm updates are part of the game. They’re inevitable. They change everything – even old SEO tactics that were once considered standard practice for websites today may no longer work due to recent changes in Google’s algorithms! So it is essential, not just because these rules could affect your ranking, but also so you know what will.
15. Put the Readers in Priority
Keywords can be a tricky subject. It is easy to get lost in the sea of words and forget what matters: your prospective clients! With all these tips at hand, focus on creating valuable content that will keep readers engaged – this includes SEO, too but don’t forget about quality over quantity when writing an article or blog post because there’s always room for improvement no matter how long ago you wrote something.
Final Take
The more external links a website has, the better chance it will rank higher on Google. This is because search engines view these votes of confidence as an indication that users find what they need and want on your site, so there’s no need to go elsewhere.