Like a chess board sometime we need to Draw grids on the Stage of KineticJS. During I worked with a MNC for an Application “Policy Designer” I faced the above situation. I have the KineticJS stage with width 800px & height 600px. On over the stage I have a layer. To make stage visible I draw a rectangle with same width & height as refer to the stage. Now as per our requirement I have to draw grids for stage. The intention is where I can drag various shapes to draw a policy flow.
The same example I am presenting in the below code. Here I declared a div with id container. Which is the container for KineticJS stage. pagerectangle is the rectangle which covers stage to display. To draw grids on the stage I called a function in the document.ready() method of jquery. In drawGrid() function I have 3 variables gridLineColor, gridLineCell & gridStroke. Using these setting you can set the grid details. gridLineColor is for the color of line. gridLineCell defines the width & height of individual grid cells. gridStroke is the width of grid lines. Here to draw a grid I created to KineticJS lines gridHorizontalLine & gridVerticalLine. Points for these lines I calculated mathematically to draw the grid. To make my grid dotted line here I used dash : [ 10, 5 ] from the line params of KineticJS. Finally I am adding my both the lines configuration variables (gridHorizontalLine & gridVerticalLine) to layer. Before draw the stage Adding the layer to stage.
To run the below example copy the codes to a notepad file. Save it as a html file. Stay Connected to internet & run the file to watch the Demo.
Example to draw grid on KineticJS Stage
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Example to draw grid on KineticJS Stage?</title> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <div id="container"></div> <script type="text/jscript"> /* KineticJS Stage */ var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({ container : 'container', width : 800, height : 600, draggable : false }); /* The Primary Layer */ var layer = new Kinetic.Layer({ name : 'layer' }); /* Rectangle over Stage to Show Visible Area */ var pagerectangle = new Kinetic.Rect({ x : 0, y : 0, width : 800, height : 600, fill : '#CEF6F5', id : 'mainpage' }); /* Adding base Rectangle to layer */ layer.add(pagerectangle); /* Adding layer to Stage */ stage.add(layer); stage.draw(); $(document).ready(function() { /* Draw Grid Function */ drawGrid(); }); /* Function to Draw Grid on Stage */ var drawGrid = function() { /* Configuration Settings for Grid Lines */ var gridLineColor = 'gray'; var gridLineCell = 50; var gridStroke = 0.5; /* Horizontal Line Draw */ var gridHorizontalLine = new Kinetic.Line({ id : 'hline', points : [ 0, 0, 0, gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 2 * gridLineCell, 0, 2 * gridLineCell, 0, 3 * gridLineCell, 0, 3 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 3 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 4 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 4 * gridLineCell, 0, 4 * gridLineCell, 0, 5 * gridLineCell, 0, 5 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 5 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 6 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 6 * gridLineCell, 0, 6 * gridLineCell, 0, 7 * gridLineCell, 0, 7 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 7 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 8 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 8 * gridLineCell, 0, 8 * gridLineCell, 0, 9 * gridLineCell, 0, 9 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 9 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 10 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 10 * gridLineCell, 0, 10 * gridLineCell, 0, 11 * gridLineCell, 0, 11 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 11 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 12 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 12 * gridLineCell, 0, 12 * gridLineCell, 0, 13 * gridLineCell, 0, 13 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 13 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 14 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 14 * gridLineCell, 0, 14 * gridLineCell, 0, 15 * gridLineCell, 0, 15 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 15 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 16 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getWidth(), 16 * gridLineCell, 0, 16 * gridLineCell, 0 ], stroke : gridLineColor, strokeWidth : gridStroke, lineJoin : 'round', dash : [ 15, 5 ] }); layer.add(gridHorizontalLine); /* Vertical Line Draw */ var gridVerticalLine = new Kinetic.Line({ id : 'vline', points : [ 0, 0, gridLineCell, 0, gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getHeight(), 2 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getHeight(), 2 * gridLineCell, 0, 3 * gridLineCell, 0, 3 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getHeight(), 4 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getHeight(), 4 * gridLineCell, 0, 5 * gridLineCell, 0, 5 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getHeight(), 6 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getHeight(), 6 * gridLineCell, 0, 7 * gridLineCell, 0, 7 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getHeight(), 8 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getHeight(), 8 * gridLineCell, 0, 9 * gridLineCell, 0, 9 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getHeight(), 10 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getHeight(), 10 * gridLineCell, 0, 11 * gridLineCell, 0, 11 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getHeight(), 12 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getHeight(), 12 * gridLineCell, 0, 13 * gridLineCell, 0, 13 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getHeight(), 14 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getHeight(), 14 * gridLineCell, 0, 15 * gridLineCell, 0, 15 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getHeight(), 16 * gridLineCell, pagerectangle.getHeight(), 16 * gridLineCell, 0 ], stroke : gridLineColor, strokeWidth : gridStroke, lineJoin : 'round', dash : [ 10, 5 ] }); layer.add(gridVerticalLine); stage.add(layer); stage.draw(); }; </script> </body> </html>