How Does PEMF Therapy Differ between Horses & Humans?

The bodies of mammals are miraculous. These organisms have effective defense mechanisms and can heal themselves to some extent. Bones are one of the few body parts that have a great ability to heal after an injury. These tissues have the ability to regenerate. After minor injuries or fractures, the bones become functional very quickly.

In some cases, however, the broken ends don’t connect completely. These are so-called unconnected fractures when the bones grow incorrectly. That will interfere with mobility and cause pain and inconvenience. More on other types of fractures see here.

Such situations are common among athletes in the human and racehorses in the animal world. They significantly affect the health and performance of humans and animals. Furthermore, that will entail some other consequences.

Disorders of the musculoskeletal system are most prevalent in athletes and horses participating in competitions. Exposure to great effort results in tissue fatigue and sometimes tissue damage. Healing is necessary to get back the patient back on the trail as quickly and painlessly as possible. Magnetic therapies, and especially PEMF, have made a real revolution in the treatment of musculoskeletal tissues.

About PEMF

PEMF therapy has been used since the mid-1980s to stimulate bone adhesion in animals. Use in people dates back to earlier times. This therapy uses magnetic radiation of different frequencies ‘packed’ into convenient therapeutic devices. These can vary in size and shape, but they all have the same purpose – to supply the body with more energy and boosts recovery after injuries.

A pulsating magnetic field means that different frequencies circulate in it. That’s why PEMF is much more effective than standard magnetic therapy using the same frequency all the time. Pulsating rays go deeper and have different effects. They support the self-regulatory skills of cells. In this way, they speed up regeneration and recovery. PEMF also improves the circulation and metabolism of body tissues.

The use of PEMF in humans and horses is almost the same. Besides beneficial effects on bone tissue, this radiation also stimulates blood flow. That has a positive effect on muscle recovery and the fast excretion of toxins from the body.

Benefits of PEMF Devices

The pulsating magnetic field in medicine is most prevalent in the field of physiotherapy. It quickly relieves pain in the bones and muscles. It also boosts the regeneration and recovery of tissues after injury and fatigue.

Also, PEMF has an effect as a natural anti-inflammatory. Unlike painkillers and drugs used to treat the infection, PEMF devices have almost no side effects. It can be used often, as it doesn’t have any proven adverse reaction with other remedies and treatments.

PEMF in Human and Animal Medicine

PEMF therapy has a very diverse application in medicine. So far, it has shown excellent results in treating musculoskeletal diseases and faster recovery after surgery. This treatment is also used in dentistry and gynecology. Also, there are indications that it may be a good adjunct therapy for heart diseases.

Because it’s a non-invasive method, PEMF is safe to use in patients of different ages and health conditions. Also, this therapy has a relatively fast action and can be applied without any specific preparation. Yet, there are some limitations as to for who this therapy is not the best solution – pregnant women, people with pacemakers, etc.

While its use in human medicine is widespread, PEMF application on animals is still in its infancy. Radiation has been in use in veterinary medicine for a while. Some smaller creatures still shouldn’t undergo magnetic therapies. But PEMF therapy for horses is an excellent thing.

For more than twenty years, PEMF plays an essential role in treating horses. It’s especially beneficial for animals used for sports. This treatment is currently ‘limited’ to disorders of the musculoskeletal system and recovery of the body after the race. Science still works on proving its safe use to cure other diseases in horses (as is done in humans).

Horse Treatments

Horses are animals that arouse admiration with their appearance and posture. Ever since people domesticated them, equines have become man’s pets, friends, and helpers. Besides, horses are often used for entertainment and sports because of their robust bodies and proud attitude.

The horse racing industry is very developed today. These noble animals are treated like real athletes. And as with any athlete, the main concern is how to protect them from injury. Their bones, tendons and muscles suffer a great load. So, even with the best care, every racing stud will suffer some injury sooner or later.

Neglected injuries can have an adverse effect on the animal’s health. Also, they can lead to significant time and financial losses resulting from missed training and racing days. Simply, the animal in pain is unable to train and compete. For this reason, vet experts are looking for fast and effective methods to prepare the equines for racing on short notice. Magnetic therapies happen to be efficient for decades for this very purpose.

Use of PEMF in Treating Horses

Besides standard surgical and medical approaches used to make the animal feel better, veterinary physiotherapy today is also based on a holistic approach. PEMF gave very good results on human patients, which indicated its application to horses as well.

Magnetic therapy enhances rehabilitation and speeds up final recovery. The radiation goes deep into the tissue. It has the best effect on the place of application, but its positive impact ‘spreads’ all over the body.

Check the link below to learn more about the effects of magnetic field to body and brain: PEMF uses non-invasive procedures that should restore the functions of the injured body parts. For example, in racehorses, the most common application of magnets is on the back and wrists. These parts of the animal’s body suffer the greatest load during races.

Although still in the field of study, the evidence to date supports the efficacy of PEMF therapy. It showed equally good results in humans and horses. There are many quality devices on the market that use a pulsating magnetic field. But before any individual application, you should consult experts (doctors or vets, depending on who needs PEMF therapy).