One of the best and stunning features of a thumb drive is its lightweight and conveniently small. You can just put it in your pocket or wallet. When they said thumb drive, they did not lie about that. Its small size can carry loads of data and information depending on its storage; it can range up to 1 TB. That is pretty colossal storage for a drive that is as small as your thumb.
In this adventure, you will uncover and explore all the twists and turns of the hottest and the most efficient thumb drives available in the market. Thus, in this way, you get to decide what brand or which thumb drive suits you. So, here are the best storage devices or best thumb drives that will stun and captivate you with its features.
SanDisk Cruzer 128GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive
When you are looking for a thumb drive that highlights portability and exceptional security, then you will not be disappointed with this SanDisk Cruzer. This is one of the best thumb drives you will get your hands into with its stunning encryption and compatibility. It is compatible, whether you are Linux, Windows, or Mac user.
Aside from all those remarkable feats, SanDisk Cruzer also comes with AES Encryption is 128-bit, which means that your data can have password protection. I mean, what could be more astounding than that. I will tell you, none. SanDisk Cruzer is available with storage ranging from 16 GB up to 256 GB.
Kingston 64GB 100 G3 USB 3.0 DataTraveler
When it comes to hardware platforms, Kingston is your man for that. Throughout the years of exploration and scrutiny, they have achieved their thumb driveβs full potential in terms of their driver capabilitiesβhardware platforms, namely the Mac, Chrome, PC, or even Linux, ensure smooth sailing.
What is more extraordinary is that it has a faster data transmission than any other thumb drives in the market. Thus, it makes your file transfer more efficient and saves you tons of time waiting. With its sleek and stylish black color, five-year warranty, and free tech support shows that the Kingston 64GB 100 G3 USB 3.0 DataTraveler is not here to play games.
HP 128GB x900w USB 3.0 Flash Drive
When it is HP, you can assure that their products are of high-quality. Along with its exquisite capacity of 128 GB, its compatibility performance and encryption capability, there is no stopping what this flash drive can.
Samsung BAR Plus USB 3.1 Flash Drive
There is no denying why this thumb drive is hailed one of the best in its field with its enormous capacity. Its design ensures durability as it features a sleek metallic style. Its shock, temperature, water, and x-ray resistance prove that this flash drive is a force to be reckoned with. It is not all, but one of its totally outrageous freebies of a 5-year warranty is a cherry on top.
Flash Drive Small Capacity Memory Stick
For a chic thumb drive for music, the Enfain Flash Drive Memory Stick will accommodate all your music needs. With its ability to store up to thousands of songs. I mean, with just 4 gigabytes, that is pretty incredible.
Its chicness comes from its ability to swive 360 degrees; in that way, it could protect your flash drive from damages. Not only that, but the thumb drive also has LED lights that will indicate if your flash drive is being used.
There are tons and tons of reasons why you should possess or own a thumb drive, not just because it poses convenience in your part, but it holds many uses. One is it can be a key. Yes, you read that right. Your thumb drive can serve as a security key in which you can lock or unlock your laptop or computer. Pretty neat, right.
Also, your thumb drive can be a backup device. This means that you can secure your files against some viruses or attacks on your computer. Aside from all of that, there are things as to how your thumb drive can be used. It can be a memory for games or films or TV series; thus, it is a helpful device to keep you entertained.