The vital Role of Oestrogen Blood Test for Estrogenic Hormone

Often, women face problems regarding their menstruation. Doctors report that it has become a recurrent problem these days. However, irregular blood flow during the period or the absence of blood flow during the period can have various causes to it. To understand the underlying reason behind such a condition, doctors often suggest getting a hormonal blood test done. Of all hormonal blood tests, one of the most common types of tests that doctors ask to get done is the oestrogen test.

We understand no layman can have an idea about the oestrogen test. Therefore, we have come up with this blog to discuss the oestrogen blood test, its important uses, and relevant other conditions. So, without further delay, let’s get started with the blog.

What is an Oestrogen Blood Test?

A doctor asks you to conduct an oestrogen test to understand the physical conditions that lie on the internal portion of the body related to fertility, puberty, menopause, and similar other conditions. The other names for this oestrogen blood test include oestradiol blood test, estrone or E1, estradiol or E2, and estrogenic hormone tests. In a woman’s body, the oestrogen plays a vital role. One of the major concerns of the oestrogen in a female body is to take care of the reproductive organs.

However, oestrogen has different forms in the body. Therefore, the oestrogen blood test you’re your doctor might suggest you conduct largely depends on the condition of your body. For this, the doctor relies on the different types of symptoms that a person experiences.

Although it is a simple blood test, that one test can infer three different types of oestrogen. The three distinct oestrogen levels that a blood test can determine are as follows:

E1 or Estrone – The hormone released in women after menopause.
E2 or Estradiol – The primary hormone released in a woman during pregnancy.
E3 or Estriol – The hormone released in large amounts during pregnancy in a woman.

Who needs Oestrogen Testing?

The hormonal blood testing of oestrogen is not required by all. Here are the conditions that demand an oestrogen blood testing:

  • Infertility
  • Bleeding from the vagina even after menopause
  • Irregularity in menstrual cycles
  • Excessive menopausal symptoms such as night sweats, hot flashes, and irregular blood flow during periods

While treating the symptoms of menopause, if you take hormone therapy, your doctor will ask you to get an E1 or E2 blood test done to detect the root cause. It is through these E1 and E2 tests that the doctor can access how well the treatment is going and whether it is working as it should be. During pregnancy, estriol becomes the primary hormone released by a woman. Therefore, the doctor asks to get an E3 test done. When the doctor finds abnormality in the estriol levels, he suspects some problem with the health of the baby.

Does Oestrogen Testing in men happen?

When it comes to oestrogen levels, men along with women, have its presence in their bodies. However, the level of oestrogen in men is lower compared to women. Extremely high or too low levels of oestrogen in men can lead to severe health issues.

When a man is asked to conduct an oestrogen test, it might indicate the following:

  • To check whether puberty is delayed
  • To find tumors consisting of oestrogen
  • Diagnose breast enlargement in men
  • To find if the oestrogen levels are high and if they are being enhanced by low levels of androgen and testosterone

Oestrogen Blood Test Procedure

For an oestrogen blood test, no special preparation is required. Unlike other blood tests, oestrogen blood does not ask you to fast in the morning. However, one rule of thumb to be followed is to inform your doctor of the medications that you are currently taking. Also, inform your doctor if you are on any birth control pill or hormone pill as it might affect the results of your blood test.

To test the oestrogen level of your body, your doctor can make use of your urine, blood, or saliva. This is how the oestrogen blood test is conducted.

Saliva test – This is one of the easiest processes of assessing one’s oestrogen level in blood as it can be done at home. If you want to follow this method, ask the doctor to help you with the test kit and sample collection.

24-hour urine test – To conduct this test, the laboratory or the doctor will give you a container to collect your urine. Here, you have to collect the urine for 24 hours. The details about the collection process and storage will be explained by the doctor.

Blood test – In this type of test, a blood sample is collected by injecting it into a vein in your body. Then the sample will be produced in the lab for testing.

Results of the Oestrogen

If the levels of oestrogen are healthy or normal is dependent on two factors – age and gender. When it comes to women, pregnancy and menstrual cycle will also determine the level of oestrogen in the blood. While high levels of oestrogen (E1 or E2) might indicate a tumor in the ovaries of women and puberty, in men, it may lead to the development of tumors in the testicles, late puberty, and gynecomastia.

However, some symptoms are the same both for men and women when the oestrogen levels are high. They are as follows:

  • Damaged liver or cirrhosis
  • Presence of tumors in the adrenal glands
  • Hyperthyroidism

While high levels of oestrogen (E3) in pregnant women could mean the occurrence of labor pain soon. If you have to assess whether you have low levels of oestrogen, here are the symptoms that you might experience:

  • Eating disorder
  • Low levels of pituitary hormones
  • Failed pregnancy
  • Poor functioning of the ovaries
  • Turner syndrome


Now that you are aware of the functions of oestrogen in the blood, get an oestrogen test as soon as your doctor advises you to do so. Delaying the process will only lead to more complications. Also, if you have questions regarding the oestrogen level in your blood, refer to a physician.