If you suffer from fall allergies, you’re not alone. Millions of people each year go through the same thing. It begins with a stuffy head or watery eyes, which quickly transforms into you barely being able to breathe through one nostril, let alone get a good night’s sleep.
However, there are things you can get some much-needed rest. Here’s what you need to know about getting a better night’s sleep when you suffer from allergies.
Improve Indoor Air Quality
Staying inside is a great way to keep your allergies under control. However, this all depends on the air quality of your home. If you have bad air quality, then your allergies may flare up even though you’re inside.
In fact, it’s not uncommon for allergy sufferers to have more problems inside their homes than outside. According to Ran Y. Rubinstein, a NY-based allergy expert, indoor air quality can affect your allergies more than cigarette smoke.
Common indoor allergens include dirt, dust, pet dander and mold. Luckily, these allergens are usually easy to control. In fact, there are a lot of methods to do so. The first one is to obviously keep the area clean.
Wipe down desks, counters, and tables to minimize dust, sweep the floor to pick up the dirt and vacuum to get rid of pet dander. Besides, you must change the air filters in your HVAC unit. It can end up blowing the allergens right into your home. Many HVAC professionals recommend that you switch to HEPA air filters.
Finally, you need to have your HVAC unit cleaned regularly. Plan on seasonal maintenance before each season to ensure that your vents and ducts are free of contaminants like dust and dander. Also, be wary of any mold growth.
Wash your Bedding
Many people know how hard it is to sleep when their nose is stuffy and they can’t stop sneezing. And even though you cleaned your home to improve your indoor air quality, you’re still experiencing allergies.
This may be because your bedding is in dire need of a washing. Your bedding can end up trapping allergens within its fibers. Then, you’re literally face-first in all of the dirt and dust.
Some people tend to wash their sheets every two weeks, which is something you want to avoid. Instead, it’s recommended that you wash your bedding once every week. This way, the allergens have less chance to build up and cause unpleasant allergic reactions.
Don’t Sleep with Fido
Everyone loves waking up to see their furry friend sleeping at the foot of their bed. However, this does not bode well for people who have allergies. Granted, everyone isn’t allergic to the same things like dog fur. But for those that are, you should get your pooch a bed of their own. Dog fur and dander can cause you to itch, sneeze and have red, itchy eyes.
Lastly, before going to sleep, make sure to vacuum your bed to get rid of your dog’s fur and dander. It’ll help minimize the risk of suffering from an allergy attack. You also want to have your pet sleep in another room.
Avoid Alcohol
This one may seem rather odd, but alcohol can actually cause you to experience an allergy attack during the night. Some people may experience a case of itching, coughing, and sneezing. Women, in particular, seem to experience this more often than men. If you’re looking to get a peaceful night’s rest, then leave the nightcap for another time. One drink isn’t worth a night of suffering an entire night with sleeping.
Invest in Quality Bedding
Remember how we mentioned that you should clean your bedding? As time goes on, your bed and pillows will become more worn out. As a result, it can be easier for allergens and oils to get trapped inside of them, which makes your allergies worse. Make sure to replace your pillows every few months and your bed every few years. Beds tend to last up to 10 years. Granted, keep in mind that this depends on what type of bed you have.
If you have an allergy to feathers, find pillows that are made of synthetic fibers.
Turn Your Thumb Green
While most allergy sufferers can’t have a house full of plants, there are a few types that can improve allergy symptoms. Hibiscus, for instance, do not produce airborne pollen, which means you aren’t at risk for an allergy attack. Also, studies show that some houseplants can reduce allergy-inducing particles from the air by 20 percent.
You don’t have to go into hibernation to survive allergy season. In addition to proper medical treatment to keep symptoms at bay, being proactive can also go a long way towards keeping you sniffle-free and helping you get a good night’s sleep.