Getting yourself out of addiction all on your own isn’t impossible, but it’s a very difficult road to traverse. People have more success rates when they attend a drug rehab program instead. It provides them with the support network that they need to make it through to the end. But what should you expect? Getting through the first day is enough to turn some people away from the program since it’s an upset in their usual daily routine. If you’re considering signing up for a drug rehab program, here are some of the things you should expect on your first day.
The Intake Process
Once you step through the door, you’ll be escorted by the staff to an intake room. This is where they will discuss with you what the treatment plan is going to be and will review your case. You’ll be asked to sign a consent form that allows the facility to provide you with treatment. Be sure to read the form very carefully so that you know what to expect and you’re not taken by surprise in the future.
After signing the form, you’ll spend time with a recovery specialist who will discuss your case with you. They will go over the client handbook with you and review the treatment program that is right for you. This may involve being an in-house or out-house patient. The difference between the two is where you stay during your treatment process. In-house patients remain at the facility, meaning that they will have to move in with a few of their personal belongings and remain within the facility throughout the process. Out-house patients are allowed to remain in their homes and will come to the facility on a daily basis in order to receive treatment. You may either be provided with the choice or staff may recommend which option is better for you.
If you’re interested in learning the other differences between these treatment options, you can read a little more on the services available at Harris House.
Choosing Aspects of Treatments
Each person who enters a rehabilitation facility is allowed to choose which groups they’d like to attend instead of being forced into one. This provides them with the autonomy of choice, being actively engaged in their own rehabilitation process so that they feel like they’re still in control of what goes on in their lives.
This is so that once they’ve finished the program, they feel like they have a grasp on the direction they want to take their lives in, instead of being told what to do and forced into treatment; the latter can leave them feeling helpless instead, increasing their chances of suffering a relapse.
The Blackout Period
In the event that someone becomes an in-house patient, then the blackout process begins. They turn over their phones and provide any important phone numbers for the staff to contact while they’re in treatment. This blackout period usually lasts about a week and is the beginning stage of the detox process. It gives patients time to focus on getting better; having phones can distract them from getting used to their new environment.
Patients are allowed to bring certain personal belongings with them, however, in order to feel more comfortable. Be sure to check the rules of the facility to see what you can bring.
Medical Assessments on the First Day
During the first 24 hours, a client will undergo three different kinds of assessments. This is to evaluate the addiction itself and what kind of treatment would be best for the client.
The first assessment is a bio-psych social assessment. Clients are interviewed to determine what social, biological, and physiological aspects of their lives contributed to their addiction and brought them to treatment. These factors are important to know because the client will be more aware of them once treatment is over and hopefully remove those factors from their lives in order to avoid a relapse.
The second assessment is a nursing assessment. The nurse who met the patient on arrival will gather personal information during the intake process, such as physical biometrics, psychological and sociological status, and whether they’re religious/spiritual in any way.
The third assessment is the history and physical assessment. Past medical and mental history are gathered in order to create a solid foundation of what their medical needs are. A physical exam is also performed at this time to gauge the patient’s overall health.
All of the information gathered from these assessments is essential to understanding the patient as a whole, what their background information is, and what motivates them to want to get treatment.
Settling In
Once everything else has been taken care of, patients are placed in a new environment as well as meeting new people who understand where they’re coming from. Addiction is a disease that forces people to isolate themselves, so knowing that there are other people like them and that everyone in the facility only wants them to get better can be encouraging.
But depending on how long their addiction has been going on for, they may have closed themselves off for a long time and find it very distressing to talk to new people. In these cases, they’re allowed to relax in their rooms until they need immediate medical care. It’s a process that requires patience and working at each person’s personal space instead of forcing them to engage.
After all, it is a completely new experience for addicts so it can be a little scary. Giving them the time they need to adjust and letting them come out of their shells when they’re ready is how the healing process begins.
It’s never easy admitting that you have a problem in the first place. Many people never do because they fear rejection and judgment from their family and peers, and decide to keep their actions a secret. But knowing that there are options to help you get out of that endless cycle, options that will help you get better and take control of your life should lead you in the right direction, especially if you want to change for the better.