Types of Premature Ejaculation Lifelong and Acquired

Premature Ejaculation happens to all men at some point in their lives. It is considered a sexual dysfunction, especially if it starts to affect you physically, emotionally and psychologically. According to NCBI, it affects 30% of the male population worldwide and the most common sexual disorder for men. It is commonly self-reported by men. Thus, it has begun to attract doctors regarding the condition.

But what is premature ejaculation, exactly? Is it treatable?

In this guide, you will learn more about the condition and its different classifications.

What is Premature Ejaculation?

Premature Ejaculation (PE) is a man’s inability to control ejaculation during sexual intercourse with his partner. It happens when a man ejaculates within a short period after the penetration, preventing satisfaction from the other partner.

Most men, at some point in their lives, experience premature ejaculation, but most consider it as non-threatening to their sexual lives.

Some men who ejaculate right away do not consider it as PE, while others complain they ejaculate too soon despite controlling it before reaching orgasm. The time for men to ejaculate varies according to experience and how they perceive it as premature or not.

There is no exact time from penetration to ejaculation to be considered as PE. However, if you feel like you’re experiencing it, most doctors will likely diagnose you, especially if it’s affecting you psychologically and your relationship with your partner.

Causes of Premature Ejaculation

The causes of PE are a bit complex. Psychological problems are likely to affect the condition. However, evidence suggests that it can also be due to hereditary or relationship issues.

Psychological causes include:

  • Previous sexual experience
  • Low self-esteem
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress & Relationship Problems
  • Erectile Dysfunction

Biological Causes include:

  • Hormone levels are abnormal.
  • Neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) are in an abnormal state.
  • Infection or inflammation of urethra or prostate
  • Hereditary

If you do not treat premature ejaculation earlier, it can lead to more severe cases like erectile dysfunction or anorgasmia (unable to orgasm). Furthermore, there are different classifications to consider understanding premature ejaculation better. See if you fall under the category.

Lifelong Ejaculation

Lifelong Ejaculation or primary premature ejaculation is defined by a consistency of man’s premature ejaculation from his first sexual encounter to the succeeding ones.

In Australia alone, 23.8% of men complained they’re experiencing lifelong ejaculation. It is prevalent among men at some point in their lives but varies depending on their mood and condition.

According to NCBI, it manifests by the following symptoms:

  • It happens during the first few sexual intercourses.
  • It exists with every female partner in more than 80%-90% of intercourse.
  • It occurs within 1 to 2 minutes after vaginal penetration.
  • It makes a man irritable, annoyed and embarrassed.
  • It aggravates 25 to 30 percent of men around the age of 30 to 35 years old.

Also, it is considered as a hereditary condition. If your father or a relative suffers from premature ejaculation, you are likely to acquire it. On the other hand, lifelong ejaculation is not curable. However, you can manage it if you undergo pharmacological and psychoeducational treatments.

Acquired Ejaculation

Acquired Ejaculation, or secondary premature ejaculation, occurs later in life after experiencing sexual intercourses with no PE. It can happen due to stress, relationship or health problems.

It is prevalent among 4 to 49% of men and is one of the most common self-reported male sexual problems.

It is usually characterised by the following symptoms, according to NCBI:

  • Similar to lifelong ejaculation, acquired ejaculation occurs within 1 to 3 minutes after penetration.
  • Cannot delay ejaculation on nearly all or all vaginal penetrations.
  • An effect of negative emotions such as frustration, distress or avoidance of sexual intimacy.

While it is prevalent in your later years in your sexual life, PE can stem from health conditions that appear at any time in your life. Health conditions such as hyperthyroidism, obesity and erectile dysfunction are the few conditions that can affect your ejaculation. If you are experiencing one of these conditions, there’s a chance you may have an acquired premature ejaculation.

Luckily, there are treatments to manage PE. Treatments can cure it once the underlying condition affecting premature ejaculation is addressed.


While PE is considered a sexual dysfunction, you can treat and manage it depending on the type of PE you have.

Premature ejaculation stems from various factors, such as psychological and hereditary problems. If you feel you’re experiencing this condition for a long time, and it’s starting to affect your relationship with your partner and your self-esteem, it’s good to consult a doctor to get treated right away.