Blogging isn’t what it used to be. Once upon a time, blogging was all about original content, quality over quantity, and writing for your audience. Nowadays, people are more concerned with ranking higher on Google’s SERPs, getting tons of shares, and collecting likes. It can seem like a lot to keep up with online these days. But don’t worry. A lot has changed in the blogging world since we were kids. Blogging was still a new concept, and there weren’t as many platforms to write on as there are now. Nowadays, bloggers have more options than ever before when publishing their content. So why would you want to use old blogging tips that don’t work any longer?
Here are 5 old-school blogging tips you can still use today:
1. The “About Me” Paragraph
The About Me section used to be where new bloggers would try to convince their readers that they were not some crazy person about to lure them into some sort of cult. Unfortunately, it has become just another part of the blog with no real value other than being yet another page on your site that you can’t monetize. No one really cares about what you had for dinner yesterday or how many times a day you go to the bathroom (unless, of course, you are writing about health issues).
People are coming to terms with the fact that they are spending more time reading articles online these days anyway, so there is no incentive for them to read through meaningless paragraphs of text unless what’s written is really compelling.
Just keep the About Me section short and sweet just like you normally do with your article body, because that’s what readers are coming to expect from the sites they read.
2. Call-to-Action Buttons
In a world where everyone is trying to take something from you, it’s only natural for companies to offer “customer retention services” so they can lock you in for as long as possible before offering another company an opportunity to snatch you away from them forever.
With that being said, there is no chance that any blogger would ever think of alienating their loyal readers, which means that it’s okay to simply not have a call-to-action button anywhere on your… at least not a big one in the sidebar.
As everyone knows, readers are attracted to content that they enjoy and will want to share with their friends. If people are enjoying your writing, then chances are that they’ll come back for more without even being prompted to do so via a call-to-action button. It’s just not necessary these days since everything is done on autopilot.
3. Captions Underneath Photos
As you know, most bloggers use attractive images in each one of their articles because it will increase their clickthrough rate by at least 0.2%. Unfortunately, most people forget about the fact that this practice can be taken advantage of by anyone who wants to steal your content without giving you any credit (and sometimes not even linking back).
The easiest way to prevent this from happening is by adding captions underneath your photos that will act as a deterrent for would-be thieves. Not only will it make your blog look more professional, but you’ll also be able to track how many people are stealing your images by using a tool like Pixsy.
4. Don’t worry about SEO
It’s time to stop worrying about SEO (search engine optimization).
Why? It is NOT your responsibility.
The good news is you don’t need to be an SEO expert to rank well online. You just need to make sure you’re providing content that’s relevant, interesting, and valuable for your readers.
Google has come a long way with its algorithms, so it really doesn’t matter what keywords you include or how often you post updates. So stop worrying about the backlinks, keyword density, etc. Your focus needs to be on creating quality content that will engage your readers and get them coming back for more.
If you show up on Google pages with great content, people are going to find you. After all, Google wants users to have the best search experience possible.
So think less about ranking higher on Google’s SERPs and more about creating informative, engaging content for your blog followers. It’s the best thing you can do for your business right now, and you can get the best results with professional blog writing services by industry experts who know how to get the results you are looking for.
5. Focus on quality over quantity
In the days of yore, blogging was all about quality over quantity. While it’s still important to produce high-quality content, it’s also important to take a step back and consider what your audience really wants.
Here are a few suggestions for topics you might want to write about:
1. Remembering the importance of regular posts
2. The benefits of including pictures
3. Adopting a smart SEO strategy
4. The basics of marketing with blogging
Whatever your topic is, make sure that you’re writing from an authentic perspective. Readers can tell when someone is just trying to rank higher on Google rankings or collect likes. Make sure you know who you’re talking to and why they should be interested in reading your blog post. As you can see, a few old-school blogging tips don’t work anymore. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to stop using them altogether – you just need to find new and innovative ways to make them work for you.
For example, the “Blogroll” can be replaced with a social media widget that will allow your readers to follow you on all of their favorite platforms, and the “About the Author” section can be moved to your bio page so people can learn more about you without having to leave your blog. By being creative and using the latest technologies, you’ll be able to keep your blog updated and looking fresh – no matter how long it’s been around.
Blogging has changed a lot in the last few years. Mind-numbing content, SEO tips, and social media shares have taken over blogging. But these days, people are calling for the old-school bloggers to bring back quality writing. Blogging is about original content that speaks to your audience and this blog post is no exception. In this blog post, we covered 5 old-school blogging tips you can still use today.