Digital marketing entails a set of activities carried out in order to make a brand reach the end consumer and retain it too. It is incomplete without SEO as achieving the visibility on search engine is like half the battle won. The digital marketers need to update themselves as per the changing trends. Some trends change on the web development front, a few others change on the front of SEO. Since the search engines are also improving them constantly, it becomes natural of them to expect websites to deliver better quality information and experience to earn listing on their first page. Thus, digital marketing efforts do depend a lot and are based on the way the SEO changes. Some of the Interesting SEO Trends happening in SEO that require digital marketers to upgrade their efforts accordingly are:
1. Voice Search
Search engines want consumers to be as comfortable as possible when they want to find anything through their channel. It is quite natural that mobile devices which can be accessed anywhere, anytime may be left unused when every query is to be typed for getting the information. Thus, to combat this difficulty, the users are given the option of Voice Search wherein they speak and not type what they are looking for. Thus, SEO adopts the trend of using keywords with conversational tone. Accordingly, the digital marketers need to develop voice-friendly solutions to enable customers use the product/service easily.
2. Video optimization
Content is available anywhere at a very fast speed, thanks to faster data services! So, video being the most comprehensive medium to communicate about the product or service to the customers, has to be harnessed to meet the SEO objectives. Accordingly, the digital marketers have to find ways to use videos to meet the target of better reach per marketing effort. Thus, content marketing is now enriched with video option and is being used in addition to textual copies.
3. Mobile-first algorithm
This algorithm is the new driver for SEO’s success. Search engines know the potential of mobile gadgets. These listing sites find the information to be available on mobile phones or other mobile gadgets a very user-friendly feature. Thus, all website owners now need to have responsive applications and other tools up in their arsenal to win better rankings. Accordingly, digital marketers will have to rope in champions of mobile gadgets in their teams to deliver what is expected.
4. Quality as well as Quantity
The present times belong to marketers who can satisfy the information-savvy users. The SEO tactics of the current phase lay deep emphasis on completeness and correctness and not to forget, the user-friendliness of information. The previous trend of making short copies is being taken over by the long form content, which is also not just over-stuffed with keywords. Thus, digital marketers need to switch to guides, tutorials, white papers etc to generate traffic.
So, these are a few important trends in SEO worth keeping up with in 2018. Check this website to find if your web offering is in accordance with the latest SEO trends or not.