Miscarriage is a medical statement of pregnancy that ends unexpectedly for 20 weeks. Within miscarriage, a fetus or embryo is ex-pulsed spontaneously from the uterus. The fetus is named stillbirth after 20 weeks rather than a miscarriage. Miscarriage is not hurt for people who feel it even though it sometimes happens early in pregnancy. You have to keep in mind that miscarriage has nothing to do with you. This article will give a couple of causes and symptoms of miscarriage that you have to know.
Causes of Miscarriage
Morning sickness, fights with a spouse, stress at work, sex, falls, or moderate exercise is not the causes of miscarriage. But miscarriage is a way of the biology of pregnancy ending which will not work. Fetus or embryo that has been expulsed from the uterus can have happened because a couple of factors from the reactions of the immune by the body of mother to genetic defects in the growing baby. Sometimes, there is no official information about the cause of miscarriage. In almost each case, miscarriage has not been caused by a mother.
The estimation that has been studied by researchers is that miscarriage has happened around one in six pregnancies. Even though this research is underestimation, a couple of miscarriages happen early. Even if you do not know that your friends or family having a miscarriage, maybe you have heard that one close to you have done it before. So it means that you are not alone if you have a miscarriage.
Even though you heard that a couple of people say it looks miscarriages have commonly happened today if compared to what was happened in the past, the real fact is that they can be detected now as there is the test that you can do at home which is very affordable.
Symptoms of Miscarriage
There are a couple of symptoms of miscarriage that you have to know. It is even different if the woman has a couple of miscarriages. The signs that have commonly happened are:
1. Pain or cramping in the abdomen or the lower back.
2. It looks like the period bleeding but this time is too heavy.
3. More than three days lighter bleeding.
4. There are no signs of pregnancy that you were getting such as breast tenderness and nausea.
You have to keep in mind that it is normal to have light and brief spotting, and there is nothing to worry about. But if you experience bleeding for more than three days, you have to make sure that you have to consult your healthcare provider immediately.
How to Diagnose Miscarriage?
For those of you who have one of those symptoms that have been mentioned above. It is better for you to call your doctor or healthcare provider. The bleeding will be evaluated and then your hCG levels will be measured. And then your cervix will be checked whether it is open or not. Ultrasound will be performed in order to check out the placenta and gestational sac. The outcomes of these evaluations will assist your healthcare provider in order to decide whether you have a miscarriage or not.
In a couple of cases that rarely happen, there is often misdiagnosed in miscarriage. If a fetal heartbeat cannot be found by your practitioner while you are bleeding, there is a chance that miscarriage can be diagnosed when embryo still thrives. Meanwhile, if bleeding stopped and the symptoms of pregnancy are still going on, it will be confirmed by the second ultrasound that your baby still thrives.
How to Avoid Miscarriage?
You have to keep in mind that miscarriage can be avoided. So when a certain risk factor has been diagnosed by your healthcare providers such as blood clotting disorder or thyroid imbalance, healthy lifestyles are the perfect things that he will recommend.
1. You have to take medications that have been approved by your practitioner.
2. Do not consume alcohol and cigarette.
3. Treat and avoid a couple of infections including STDs.
4. A prenatal vitamin which includes other B vitamins and folic acid should be taken. Study has been done that a couple of women who have issue sustaining and conceiving a pregnancy as the deficiency of vitamin B12 or folic acid which can be handled with the right supplementation.
5. Your weight gain should be maintained in a healthy range.
6. Before conception, it is better for you to get chronic conditions.
For those of you who have two or three miscarriages, extensive tests will be run by your healthcare practitioner in order to find out if the cause can be found. A single reason will not be able to be found by him that you have a couple of miscarriages. But he often will find health problem that has been untreated including the misshapen uterus, a thyroid issue, autoimmune disease, or one of a couple of disorders that have rarely happened which can make your body do not allow pregnancies. CT scan, MRI, or ultrasound will be applied on your uterus, hysteroscopy may be performed on your uterine cavity, and chromosomal abnormalities may be tested for the miscarried uterus. If a couple of these causes cannot be pinpointed by him, you will be helped in order to lower the chances of miscarriages in the future by doing treatments such as medications in order to control hormonal imbalances and surgery in order to make the uterine or cervical problems correct.
For those of you who have a miscarriage more than one still got the chance to have a healthy pregnancy, even though you can control your future pregnancies differently. Based on the American Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, it is about 65 percent of women who got future pregnancy even after hour consecutive losses.
It is better for you to manage your mind and body in the aftermath of miscarriage whether it is you first or fourth. You have to check your body with your healthcare provider. After that, you can talk to somebody you trust in order to express your feelings.
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