Piles or hemorrhoids are the most common disease of the rectum and large intestine among middle-aged persons (40-65) and small children around the world. On average, populations having hemorrhoids range from 2.9 % to 27.9 % and only one-third part of it seek doctor’s advice on the same. Lack of knowledge and hesitation among people to discuss hemorrhoids are responsible to make situations worse for them.
Hemorrhoids are the collection of veins or tissues around the anal canal or inside the rectum which become inflamed and swollen due to the congestion experienced by venous plexus. Its local name is Bawaseer. In general, the anorectal vascular cushions along with the internal anal sphincter provide the support to anal canal and control the movement of bowels and bladder as well as keep the anal canal closed tightly.
Although there is no researched fact for the cause of hemorrhoids, however, some say these might happen due to.
- Weak veins due to age factor or heavy weight gain.
- Inadequate amount of fibers and liquid in diets.
- Increased pressure on the pelvic region at the time of pregnancy in pregnant women.
- Sitting for a long time in the same position.
- Constipation.
In general, hemorrhoids don’t cause anything so serious until or unless the swollen veins become ultra-thin or blood supply gets stopped.
When it comes to their classification, there are two grounds.
- Based on location: internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids
- Based on the severity of hemorrhoids: Grade I, Grade II, Grade III, and Grade IV.
Hemorrhoids which are present inside the rectum are internal hemorrhoids; whereas, hemorrhoids occur on the outside edge of the anal canal are external hemorrhoids.
Four grades for internal Hemorrhoids include
Grade I – It is the initial stage in which hemorrhoids are present in the inner lining or mucosa of the anal canal
Grade II – On comparing the size of hemorrhoidal mass of Grade 2 with Grade 1, these are bigger in size; however, these are also present in the mucosal layer of the anus. These may come out during bowel movement and get back their own.
Grade III – In this stage, hemorrhoids come outside the anus and need to press against to push back. Another name for Grade 3 hemorrhoids are prolapsed hemorrhoids
Grade IV – In this stage, hemorrhoids hang outside the anal canal, and the mass doesn’t go back.
Every stage of hemorrhoids has different degrees of complications so, the range of treatments are available for them.
Surgical Treatments
Surgical treatment is productive for both internal and external hemorrhoids. However, it is recommended to only those who have reached to third and fourth grade. It involves two main procedures – hemorrhoidectomy and hemorrhoid stapling.
In hemorrhoidectomy, anesthesia is administered to the patient, and then the physician opens the anus and removes hemorrhoids or excess tissue from there. It results in the loss of blood from the body.
In hemorrhoid stapling, the physician removes hemorrhoids and reposts the excess internal hemorrhoids using surgical staples.
Non-Surgical Laser Treatments
Laser treatment for piles is a daycare procedure, which lasts for 30-40 minutes only. In this process, a laser or diode is used. Physician passes its radial fiber in hemorrhoidal nodes through the opening of the anus, and then controlled emission of laser energy is used. On reaching the sub mucosal layer of the anus, these radiations lead to the shrinkage of mass from inside. The energy cut-off the blood supplies to these abnormal growths, and as a result, hemorrhoids die and fall off.
Benefits of laser treatment for piles or hemorrhoids
- No cuts or no incisions
- As compared to other procedures, postoperative pain is less and last for 3-4 days only
- Minimum probability of having rectal stenosis
- After treatment, patients resume daily activities and diet within one week
- Minimum time required for the entire process
So, if you are suffering from piles or hemorrhoids, then don’t hesitate and consult with the Laser Surgery to get rid of Piles. Moreover, bring some changes in your diet plan, eat fibrous diet and drink plenty of water.