Know your Mental Health during Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is increasingly being diagnosed across a broad spectrum of the populace. Many folks who have persistent, nagging habits that take up lots of time, may indeed be displaying symptoms of OCD. To better understand what characterizes this mental health disorder, it has to be broken down into its core components.

The obsessions are really the intrusive, invasive and persistent thoughts. The compulsions are the repetitive actions and behaviors that the individual feels must be done to deal with the overpowering thoughts. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is extremely disruptive in terms of its effect on day-to-day activities, interpersonal relationships, and productivity.

1. Constantly Seeking Reassurance

People with heightened OCD seriously doubt themselves, at every juncture. Many people with this mental health condition will seek out the reassurances of friends, family, and loved ones multiple times a day. They do this to feel safe, secure, and at ease regarding their feelings, their perceptions, and the reality of situations they are facing. The need for constant reassurance never alleviates the OCD, since the sufferer often feels misunderstood.

2. Self-Doubts

Someone with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder finds it difficult to have confidence in themselves. Indeed, the entire disorder is based around uncertainty – Did I do this? Did I do that? Am I sure that I did it correctly? Can I do it better? There are a myriad of questions around which the person with OCD doubts themselves. The nature of the disorder is such that uncertainty forms the bedrock of all the thought processes. For those suffering from OCD cleanliness issues, disease, locking/unlocking, on/off – doubt is a prevalent underlying theme.

3. OCD Can be Managed

Despite the pervasiveness of negative thoughts, poor self-image, uncertainty, and doubt, OCD can be managed with the right treatments. These include a combination of options such as therapeutics (SSRIs and SNRIs), mental health counseling, Deep TMS (Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation), ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy), and other options. ERT (Exposure and Response Therapy) is particularly effective in this regard.

4. People with OCD know that their Fears are Unreasonable

Believe it or not, people with OCD understand that their behaviors are unfounded in many cases. They will go to great pains to hide their OCD behavior from others. The compulsions however may not always be obvious. Sometimes the compulsions are actually mental rituals that are performed over and over again. OCD sufferers may feel so trapped by the illness that they try to hide their compulsions from the world, and suffer in silence.

5. OCD is a Long-Term Mental Health Disorder

People who agonize through OCD understand that it is a debilitating long-term disorder. It’s not simply short-term anxiety related to a stress factor that will pass after the stress has been removed from the situation. OCD is pervasive, long-lasting, and serious. While a long-term treatment plan is preferred, day-to-day management of the disorder is much more exigent.

6. Tic Disorders are OCD Related

Nervous tics are actually strongly correlated with OCD. It is estimated that 30% + of people with OCD also have tic disorders. Incidentally, a tic is an involuntary twitch, sound, or movement. These tics take place repeatedly, and can be especially embarrassing for the individual, and company.

7. There Are Many OCD-Related Disorders

The list of OCD disorders is long, and includes the likes of excoriation (picking skin), trichotillomania (pulling out hair), hoarding (collecting and holding onto objects), and body dysmorphic disorder (constant pursuit of the perfect body).

8. Harm-Focused OCD is Real

Not all forms of OCD are benign. Some of them actually involve obsessive thoughts about harming others. Harm-focused OCD is a real phenomenon, and pedophilia OCD is one such disorder that is particularly disturbing. People with this disorder actually believe that they must fulfil their twisted desires and abuse children. Others with this disorder simply attempt to perform benign actions to ameliorate their obsessive thoughts. Other disorders include sexual orientation OCD, where the focus may be on homosexuality, or the fear of not being homosexual. Relationship OCD involves continually doubting the integrity, trust, and character of the ones partner,

9. Difficulties with Indecision

OCD sufferers routinely struggle with being unable to make decisions about things. They can be trivial matters or serious matters. For example, what should you wear to work today? What should you have to eat today? How should you plan your work day? While these decisions are typically tackled with effortless ease by people who don’t have OCD, they can be monumental sources of indecision for OCD sufferers.

OCD is a mental health disorder that requires effective treatment. It takes time to work through the obsessive-compulsive disorder problems and to find effective remedies for the condition. Often, the treatment regimen is one which combines a cocktail of options such as therapeutics, therapy, and other approved OCD treatment options such as Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. OCD Treatment options must be tailored around the needs of individual patients.