5G, AI, Robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud technology transform network connectivity and pave the path for an improved digital consumer experience. Communication Service Providers (CSPs) must adopt a digital BSS transformation solution and change their traditional business models. To remain relevant in today’s market, CSPs need to transform their Business Support Services (BSS) approach.
The OSS/BSS industry is expected to rise to more than $50 billion by 2024, according to recent research by Global Market Insights. This suggests that the BSS market is on the verge of a significant reversal. Telecommunications providers and CSPs need to look forward to it to make this digital transition happen quickly.
In terms of technology, though, this requires a lot of consideration. In order to satisfy the expectations of the industry, CSPs must connect with leading technologies such as cloud, AI, and Wi-Fi 6, organize the ecosystem, investigate collaboration opportunities, and act promptly.
Replace What is Outdated with What is Relevant?
Operators must rethink BSS and its evolution to thrive in the 5G age. They have to give up on “big ticket” BSS changes that take a long time and cost a lot of money but frequently don’t match the demands of the operators. They need to stop thinking in terms of months and instead think in terms of weeks or even days.
New approaches to BSS are needed, embracing digital auxiliary systems rather than the ‘rip-and-replace’ strategy generally followed by most BSS suppliers. Digital Transformation will enable speedier time to market and allow operators to monetize the numerous innovative services already within reach.
Digital BSS Architecture
In order to provide a better consumer experience, a digital BSS solution centralizes backend infrastructure and improves interoperability across systems. The BSS API Framework, at the core of digital BSS, supports all APIs operating on various domains.
The High-Performance Data (HPD) Framework and a database are used to process thousands of requests per millisecond, and the BSS API connects all channels into the shared information layer to create a flexible and scalable unified communications system.
By 2027, the BSS market is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 14.2 percent, and telcos are expected to be the primary providers of BSS solutions. Setting realistic goals from the cloud and finding a cloud provider that can establish a well-planned cloud infrastructure supported by a suitable operating model is critical to a successful Digital Transformation.
There should be subsystems for managing product orders, predictive analytics, and revenue generation in a well-rounded and complete digital BSS. Visualization tools are vital in monitoring and managing the complete BSS operations from a single, centralized dashboard. Digital BSS systems may add a new degree of intelligence to corporate operations if implemented correctly.
Despite the certainty of BSS’s future, the company must prepare for the challenges of managing enormous quantities of transactions in real-time and devising revenue-sharing arrangements among partners. It’s time to wave goodbye to the old BSS, and CSPs will have to get moving in embracing the cloud.
Using Sub-Brand Digital BSS as a Low-Risk Approach
Many service providers have developed digital sub-brands in the past two years. In the beginning, they were directed at those between the ages of 18 and 24. These data bundles are backed by broadcast channels for all services and offer low-cost data plans.
In the previous 14 months, digital literacy has risen considerably, and people have become more comfortable with a digital way of life. Using a commercial and organic strategy, telecom operators may transfer their clients from old BSS to Digital BSS, accommodating several operator brands on a single platform.
Existing clients are integrated into the Digital BSS and withdrawn as live customers from older systems when upgrading or changing offerings. There is no limit on the number of clients that may be added to Digital BSS.
Customers may be persuaded to switch providers if they are presented with new incentives. New 5G offerings or new FMC packages with bundled content might be on the horizon here. As soon as a consumer accepts a new offer, the Digital BSS records them as new customers eligible for future offers through the digital-first channels made available by the Digital BSS.
With a Digital BSS running alongside the conventional BSS, it is possible to transition clients organically and commercially from the legacy BSS. Using this low-risk, low-cost migration technique, BSS may be transformed into a “business as usual” environment.
Additionally, this strategy may be used to sell the latest offers to current consumers, increasing ARPU.
When replacing an existing system with a new one made by the same heritage vendor, this method can sometimes be more reasonable than the typical “big bang” or “phased upgrade” method. Enhanced ARPUs come at a lesser cost and with a reduced degree of risk. Maybe it’s time to take a closer look at this alternate method to BSS transition.