Relation between Ethical Hacking, Cloud and Cyber Security?

Ethical hacking is the practice of testing a computer system for vulnerabilities. It’s a form of penetration testing, but it also involves gathering as much information as possible about the target system’s security and then reporting that information back to the company that hired you.

This makes it an important skill for both businesses and consumers—businesses need to know if their systems are vulnerable, and consumers need to know what those vulnerabilities are so they can protect themselves. It’s a way for everyone to stay safe online.

So why is it called “ethical?” Because it’s not cheating—it’s just good business sense.

Ethical hacking and Cyber Security

Ethical hacking and cyber security are both a hot topic in the industry. But what is the difference between the two? And what do they have to do with network security?

Ethical hacking is defined as “the study and practice of computer ethical practices.” It can be defined as the practice of identifying, exploiting, and disclosing vulnerabilities in computer systems for the purpose of gaining unauthorized access to services or data without authorization.

Cyber-security is defined as “the protection of information and systems from cyber attacks.” Cyber-security includes protecting networks from attack.

Ethical Hacking and Cloud Security

Ethical hacking and cloud security are both related, but they’re not the same thing.

Ethical hacking is the practice of securing networks, servers, and applications by breaking into them and seeing how they work. The goal is to make sure that a network or application is secure against attackers—and if something isn’t, to find out what’s wrong so that it can be fixed.

ethical hacking is a method of evaluating the security of computer systems, using penetration testing techniques. it includes: planning and preparation, reconnaissance and information gathering, exploiting vulnerabilities and obtaining access, privilege escalation, maintaining access and coverage… is amply clear that are related to cloud computing as both need an underlying network infrastructure.

Cloud security is the practice of protecting data in public cloud services such as Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure. It usually involves monitoring traffic between systems on an active network and looking for signs of malicious activity.

It’s a fact: ethical hacking and cloud security are interrelated.

Ethical hacking and cloud security are both essential in the current climate of cyber crime. Sometimes, a company will be targeted by an attacker who is looking to steal data or launch distributed denial of service attacks on their systems. In either case, it’s important to protect your company’s network from attack and maintain its integrity by ensuring that your devices are secure.

One of the reasons why a business should have an ethical hacker is to have better protection against cyber attacks, which is a growing problem. We’ve already seen some major businesses suffer the effects of an attack, such as Target where over 110 million records were compromised and Sony where the secrets of its movie scripts, actors, executives and other internal information was exposed. Because of this, businesses are likely to want to protect themselves from future attacks by hiring an ethical hacker to evaluate their systems.

The step in protecting yourself against these threats is to hire a professional ethical hacker or cyber security expert. They’ll be able to identify any vulnerabilities in your system or network so you can take steps to prevent them from being exploited. If they find one, they can make sure that it’s fixed before anyone else has the chance to do so.


As we have seen in the article, ethical hacking and cloud computing are interrelated concepts. Hacking has evolved beyond simple systems intrusion targeting specifically. It has become a major benefit especially on internal systems that are vulnerable to unwanted activity. The question is no longer if a company will be hacked but rather when. Every company will eventually be hacked, and each of them must then plan accordingly.