If you are not a fitness enthusiast, you probably don’t know much about CrossFit, but you have surely heard of it by now as it is the most popular training program in the world. The first thing that you must know is that it is very intense. Does this make it unsuitable for a beginner? Absolutely not! CrossFit workouts can be adapted to any fitness level, and if you are committed to transforming your body into a strong fat burning machine, we are here to guide you every step of the way.
What CrossFit is all about?
This training program is more of a sport than it is a fitness program. Well, if you want to get technical, it is the sport of fitness. There are even regular competitions that take place around the world. Initially, the program was designed for law enforcement officers, but in the early 2000s, the CrossFit company was founded, and it completely revolutionized everything we knew about fitness. Unlike other workouts that are focused on weight loss of muscle gain, CrossFit is meant to simply optimize the performance of your body in any activity. It improves your strength, your stamina, your endurance, your coordination, your balance and much more. It will serve you in your most basic daily activities, but it will also help you if you want to participate in taught athletic competitions.
For whom is it suitable?
As we already mentioned, CrossFit was designed as a training program for law enforcement officers, and it is no secret that it is the preferred program of pro athletes and military and law enforcement officers. However, CrossFit gyms were meant to be a more engaging alternative to conventional gyms that preach repetitive movements and universal workouts. Basically, it is suitable for anyone who wants to get stronger and healthier. Each program has scalable intensity, so it can suit the needs of anyone. Under the right supervision, it can even be practiced by people with serious health problems. Nonetheless, despite its flexibility, CrossFit tends to attract a particular crowd, formed mainly of fitness fanatics, former athletes, weigh training enthusiasts, and anybody who wants to be part of a supportive community.
Is it risky?
Yes, due to its intensity, CrossFit can be risky. Most commonly, it can be subject to musculoskeletal injuries. The people who are at most risk are beginners who don’t know the proper workout postures. So, as a beginner, the best thing to do is to take it slow, and workout with a trainer, at least until you understand the right posture and body alignment for the most common exercises. The main trap is that you will always be told to perform the exercises as quickly as possible, and this can make you lose track of your posture. So, don’t push yourself too hard until you get the basics. Moreover, if you work out in places other than the gym, make sure to avoid extreme temperature and humidity conditions.
Which gym to Choose?
If you live in a big city, you will probably have dozens of certified gyms to choose from. There can even be several gyms in the same are. For instance, if you look for Crossfit West Hollywood gyms, you have more than 5 options. Nonetheless, our advice is to opt either for the closest gym, or a gym that has highly qualified trainers. If you take a look at the Brick gym in Los Angeles, you will see that many of their trainers are former athletes.
What to expect from the first Workouts?
Each CrossFit gym is unique and there are countless workout routines, so the one thing that you can’t expect is routine. As a beginner, you will probably start with an introduction class, that will take you through the elementary notions and exercises of this training program. After the introduction, if you want to practice these workouts regularly, you will have to take an Elements class, to learn the 9 basic movements. Normal classes will consist of warm ups, followed by strength training and a workout of the day (WOD). Each class will end with a stretching and cool down session.