In this guide we’re going to show you how to choose a slitter rewinder manufacturer. A what you may say? Well, if you’re in the market for or need one of these machines you already know what it is, but for those who don’t, we’ll explain that for you. A slitter rewinder machine from Elite Cameron basically trims down larger rolls of sheet material into smaller ones. Then it rolls up the smaller one so you can literally have more “packages” of small rolls. There are many machines out there that can do this, but what’s important is which manufacturer you choose to do your bidding. That, and certain brands have features that you may or may not need.
Most Common Businesses That Use Rewinders
When it comes to purchasing and using rewinders, there are a few businesses that actually come to mind. One of the main uses for it is simply using large rolls of roll-fed presses and trimming into smaller ones, such as for labeling machines, etc. in a production environment. Other uses that are more common as well, is literally being used in the press-printing industry.
Certain presses can benefit from using this feature by being able to skip a crucial step and add it to the end product, rather than having a humongous roll of press-printed material that needs to be separated later on. Because of this, you can have increased performance and literally have higher productivity by not having to hire extra workers to do this process.
Differences in Brand – How to Choose the Right One For Your Needs?
Some rewinders have limitations, and they vary depending on manufacturer, and even model. For example, the types of materials that some of them can handle aren’t meant for other rewinders. If you’re doing printing on plastic labels, then you need a machine that can handle it with the right grips to pull the material through. If it’s optimized for paper rolls, then it won’t grip properly. And vice versa. If you need one that’s optimized for plastic, you don’t want to put paper through it as it will cause frequent tears.
Other things to consider are the sizes of not only the rolls that you are wanting to end up with, but also the rolls that you are starting to run through the rewinder. Some actually shrink the rolls into more than one roll of smaller sizes, while others aren’t optimized for this and literally can only transfer same-sized rolls. You have to pick one that is based on whatever the “finished roll size” is needed.
Many people think that machines like this don’t require that much necessary planning, but you may be surprised. Your production supervisor has to consider all of these machine statistics in order to have the productivity of the plant operating as smoothly as possible. And choosing the wrong machine can have a detrimental negative impact on plant automation and productivity. This is why it’s important that to maximize efficiency in the workshop, choosing the right rewinder is something that’s very important. Not only that, but it is also very crucial to have the right features that you need for the very same reason.