JS Functions & Examples

JavaScript is one of the most popular Client-side programming language. It is designed for creating network-centric applications. The concept behind Client side script is to reduce load from the Server. Many Operations is more healthy to operate in Client side. This activity helps to improve performance & speed. JavaScript was appeared in Netscape 2.0 in 1995. That time this script popular as LiveScript. JavaScript is very fun to learn. In this idea here with I am sharing few lessons with easy examples. Hope it will help you on-desk.

JavaScript Format Currency isCurrency Validator Function

JavaScript Format Currency isCurrency Validator Function

This function generally we required while integrating payment system to the website. There are various currencies are available. The below isCurrency function accepts one argument…

JavaScript isDate function to Validate Date formats

JavaScript isDate function to Validate Date formats

In an Employee Management System dashboard let’s assume we are fetching Employee Date of Joining from Database. While displaying this date in top left corner…

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