Comparing Radiation Pyrometers and Optical Pyrometers features

In industrial applications, the choice of a pyrometer is critical for accuracy and efficiency. But which type should you choose – radiation or optical? This blog post will compare radiation and optical pyrometers in terms of their features, advantages, and disadvantages to help you decide which is better suited for your needs.

Introduction to Pyrometers

Optical and radiation pyrometers are temperature measurement devices used to measure high temperatures. Both have benefits and drawbacks, making them suitable for different industrial applications.

Radiation pyrometers measure the thermal radiation emitted by a hot object. They are typically more accurate than optical pyrometers but can be more expensive. Radiation pyrometers also require a clear line of sight to the measured thing, making them less suitable for measuring objects in difficult-to-reach locations.

Optical pyrometers measure the brightness of a hot object. They are typically less expensive than radiation pyrometers but can be less accurate. Optical pyrometers can measure things in difficult-to-reach locations but may give inaccurate readings if the object is not emitting enough light.

Comparison of Radiation and Optical Pyrometers

Radiation and optical pyrometers are tools used to measure the temperature of an object. But how do they work, and which is better for industrial applications?

Radiation pyrometers detect infrared radiation emitted by an object and then calculate its temperature. Optical pyrometers, on the other hand, work by shining a light onto an object and then measuring the right amount of reflected light.

So, which one is better? It depends on the application. Radiation pyrometers are more accurate than optical pyrometers, but they can only be used on objects that emit infrared radiation (such as hot metals). Optical pyrometers can be used on anything, but they are less accurate than radiation.

If you need to measure the temperature of a hot metal, then a radiation pyrometer is the best choice. But if you need to measure the temperature of something else, like plastic or glass, then an optical pyrometer is a better choice.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Type

Radiation pyrometers measure the thermal radiation emitted by a body to infer its temperature. In contrast, optical pyrometers measure the intensity of light emitted or reflected by a body to infer its temperature. Both have advantages and disadvantages that make them more or less suitable for industrial applications.

The advantages of radiation pyrometers include their wide measurement range, ability to measure high temperatures, and relatively low cost. Disadvantages include their need for a clear line of sight to the estimated object and their sensitivity to electromagnetic interference.

The advantages of optical pyrometers include their immunity to electromagnetic interference and their ability to measure objects that are not emitting thermal radiation (such as hot metals). Disadvantages include their relatively narrow measurement range and higher cost than radiation pyrometers.

Best use Cases for Radiation and Optical Pyrometers

Radiation pyrometers are best used for measuring high temperatures, such as those found in furnaces or kilns. They are also well suited for measuring the temperature of objects that emit large amounts of infrared radiation, such as hot metals. Optical pyrometers, on the other hand, are better suited for measuring lower temperatures, such as those found in ovens or on surfaces that do not emit much-infrared radiation.

Common Industrial Applications

Radiation pyrometers are commonly used in various industrial applications due to their ability to measure high temperatures accurately. Optical pyrometers have many applications but are less accurate than radiation when measuring extremely high temperatures.

Factors to Consider when Choosing a Pyrometer

Keep in a few factors when choosing a pyrometer for your industrial application. These include:

The type of pyrometer – There are two main types of pyrometers: radiation and optical. Radiation pyrometers measure the infrared radiation emitted by an object, while optical pyrometers measure the light emitted by an object.

The accuracy of the pyrometer – You should ensure that the pyrometer you choose is accurate enough for your needs.

The range of the pyrometer – Make sure that the pyrometer you choose can measure the temperatures you need it to count.

The response time of the pyrometer – Response time is essential if you take measurements quickly or in rapid succession.

The ease of use of the pyrometer – You will want to make sure that the pyrometer is easy to use so that you can get accurate measurements quickly and easily


In conclusion, radiation and optical pyrometers are ideal for industrial applications. Radiation pyrometers offer the advantage of measuring temperature from a distance, while optical pyrometers can provide greater accuracy when measuring temperatures in certain conditions. Depending on the application, one kind may be more suitable. By weighing their respective advantages and disadvantages and considering your particular needs, you should be able to determine which type of pyrometer is best suited for your industry’s specific requirements.