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List of top ranked CBSE and ICSE board Schools in India
‘Gurukul’, the name given to a centralized place where education gets imparted to a group of students, has come a long way to the modern...
Sentence Structure Exercises - Arrangement of disordered Sentences
Sometimes the steps of the process of something are given in disorder manner or in scattered way and we are asked to write the most...
7 effective Health Science Study Tips to Try this Year
If you are a health science student, we can understand your stress of completing 100s of assignments every month. If you are not getting any...
List of Phrasal Verbs with their Meaning and Example
A phrase is a group of words that forms part of a sentence but does not make a complete sentence. A phrase contains no finite...
Top 10 University for Masters Degrees in Music Therapy
The contribution of music therapy for the progress of mentally challenged individuals is proved with the help of research findings. This field has helped many...
Common proverbs in English with meaning & explanation
In day-to-day living proverbs makes expression easy to express. Their are several proverbs available in various languages. In this session let us share Common proverbs...
A Guide on Data Scientists Career - Certifications, Skills and Salary
Data science is mainly an extensive study of a vast amount of data. Aspiring Data scientists use advanced tools such as machine learning, and AI...
How to Practice Sustainable Living without Overhauling your entire Lifestyle?
Sustainability has become an increasingly important focus for many people. But making sustainable choices doesn’t have to mean drastically changing one’s entire lifestyle or abandoning...
Learn How to Write a Remarkable Thesis by Assignment Writer
The primary purpose of creating an assignment is to answer the entire question set asked regarding the research where the process is much more important...
Animation as an Education
I аttеndеd the first аnimаtiоn аnd gaming ѕеminаr, in Jаn 2007, hеld at HITEC Citу, Hуdеrаbаd. Thе Pitсh I entered in the animation ѕuреr pitch...
Why Technology is important for Education System?
With the increasing pace to technological advancements taking over the world by storm, why Education System be left behind? Technology, if used in the school...
How to prepare for Exams? - Study tips for Exams Success
Exam is a way to judge us. In a Student Career 3 types of exam appears quarterly (in 3 months), halfly (in 6 months) &...
Types of Sentences in English (Simple, Compound, Complex, ...)
A word or a group of words expressing a complete and meaningful sense is called a sentence. There are 3 types of sentences in English...
Sanskrit Shloka "VIDYA DADATI VINAYAM" (Education gives humbleness)
This Sanskrit Shlok “विद्या ददाति विनयम् (VIDYA DADATI VINAYAM)” means Education gives humbleness. It is the most powerful weapon which can change the world. The...
Testtutor or Test-guide 2 amazing Online GRE Resources
Just think about the financial expenses when it comes to the GRE – A Cost of 160 USD – 190 USD to initially take the...
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