Your world runs with Your Life. Life never back. In case of any accidental break Life Insurance gives stability to run your family. Insurance is an agreement between you & the insurance company. There are variety of insurance plans. While choosing an Insurance for you or your family members discuss in person to the Insurance agent. Note down the facilities you are getting with your Insurance plan. Compare this plan with other Insurance Companies. Think Insurance as an Investment. To clarify “What are the benefits of Insurance, Do I invest in Insurance?” let us share few points below.
Tax Benefits
Life Insurance is a Tax free Investment. If you have 1 lakh taxable income & you are paying 25000 for insurance premium in a year you have to pay tax for 75000 only. Show your taxable income to your insurance agent, while choosing a plan for tax benefit accept advice from the your agent. In both the direction risk cover & tax benefits insurance is a professional approach to investments.
Risk Cover
Life is like a bubble. Risk cover says life Insurance ensures that your loved ones continue to enjoy a good quality life after even you. Do you ever think if some wrong will happen to you what can be the next month income of your family. In this case insurance helps a great. You baby don’t need to break his/her education, your wife can be self-employed using the insurance benefits. You can choose multiple beneficiaries for your insurance plan. In normal case you can declare the beneficiary to your spouse as well as all of your children.
Helps in hospital expenses
In many plans life Insurers includes health insurance plans. In case of a critical diseases or hospitalization expenses this investment helps to save life. Generally in the matter of pregnancy we do hospitalization expenses. If you are insured you will get all the expenses from the insurance company. In the matter of health take the benefits of insurance.
Facility of Loans
Nearly with every insurance plan policyholders have the option to take loan against the policy. This loan helps to meet unplanned expenses in life. By taking loan against your policy it will not affect any contract from insurance bond. Compare to bank loan loan against insurance policy provides less rate of interest with easy installments.
Death Benefits
Death never intimate before. Life insurance does not give you the return for investments while you are still living. In the case of maturity or accidental death you can be benefited. Investing in Life Insurance gives stable future to you & your family. In case of any thing happen to insured, the insurer will get the total amount including bonus. People who meet with accidents or for retired people insurance gives freedom to live. There are variety of policies available, choose the plan depending your requirements.
Top 10 Global Insurance Companies
Life Insurance Corporation (LIC)
SBI Life Insurance
Birla Sunlife Insurance
Reliance Life Insurance (RLIC)
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance
Tata AIG Life Insurance
ING Vysya Life Insurance
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance
Max Life Insurance
HDFC Standard Life Insurance