Anabolic steroids are manufactured artificially from testosterone. They are often used to treat or manage a range of medical conditions. However, a lot of people tend to use them for other purposes ranging from enhancing performance in sports to boosting endurance in an athletic setting.
Testosterone plays a crucial role in muscle development and enhancing a number of characteristics of males such as growing facial hair and the deepening of the voice. This has made steroids the drug of choice for boosting athletic performance and enhancing muscle growth. However, using anabolic steroids may come with some side effects and other risks.
In this post, we will take a quick look at the types, uses, and effects of steroids.
Understanding Anabolic Steroids
Otherwise referred to as AASs (Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids), anabolic steroids interact with the kidneys, CNS (Central Nervous System), muscles, immune system, bones, and other parts of the body.
When a boy reaches puberty, his body begins to secrete a greater level of testosterone which then allows him to develop several male characteristics such as increased muscle mass, an increase in height and sex drive, along with facial hair and other body hair, etc.
Testosterone is also responsible for triggering several emotions that enhance self-esteem and competitiveness, etc. Since anabolic steroids are artificial testosterones, it is only normal that they have similar effects on the body.
Steroids usage Patterns
Although there are several benefits to using anabolic steroids, you need to be careful as long-term use can cause your body to stop secreting its own testosterone. This is one of the reasons why most people who get genuine anabolic steroids try several usage patterns to prevent adverse effects.
Here are the 3 steroids usage patterns that help in minimizing its adverse effects:
CYCLING – This usage pattern involves using steroids for 1 to 3 months then taking a break for a minimum of 4 weeks before using the drug again.
ANABOLIC STEROIDS STACKING – This usage pattern involves combining various forms of steroids or incorporating them with other supplements in a bid to enhance the effects of the drug.
PYRAMIDING – This usage pattern involves gradually increasing the dosage of the anabolic steroids until reaching a peak and reducing the dosage afterward.
However, you should know that there are no verified reports indicating that any of the usage patterns listed above help in reducing the risks involved in the continued usage of steroids.
Steroids Types
There are over 30 steroid types available online and they can either be used for performance or medical purposes. Hence, anabolic steroids that have no medical benefits, such as Anadur, are classified as performance steroids while steroids such as Nebido are classified as medical steroids.
Not all steroids are injectable as some of them can be taken orally.
Here are a few types of steroids in online stores:
- Halotestin (Oral)
- Mibolerone (Oral)
- Stanozolol (Oral)
- Boldenone Undecylenate (Injectable)
- Testosterone Cypionate (Injectable)
- Trenbolone Acetate (Injectable)
Final Words
Some of the side effects of continuously using these drugs include infertility, painful urination, acne, and hair loss, etc. While there are many performance and medical benefits in using steroids, there is a need to exercise a little caution when using them continually.