Web Developer Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

Everyday more than thousand of IT developers are choosing Web Technology as their Career. Refer to my experiences to became a Successful Web Developer is not so easy. Advanced Web Technology comes with plenty of Skills. To gain deep knowledge in Web Technology you required to know fundamentals. Without basics it is not possible to be an expert in Web. In this session we Collected plenty of useful information’s related to Web Technology. These fundamentals will help you life long in your Web Developer Career. For freshers these Web Developer Interview Questions are the best approach to know the Web better.

What is the Complete name of www?

Refer to W3C www is stands for “World Wide Web”.

What is a Protocol?

The transfer of data between client (browser) and the server need to be according to some rules known as protocols. The protocol used in web is known as HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol).

What is the benefits of using Internet?

  • Internet is a fastest media of data communication.
  • Using internet we can send or receive mails.
  • Using VOIP we can take the benefits of Telecommunication.
  • Using various websites we can read News and latest updates.
  • Can Sale Products.

Which technical group started internet as a project in US Defense?

Internet was started in the mid of 1980 as a project of US department of defense. The Technical group then created was known as Defense Advance Research Projects Administration (DARPA).

What is the Complete name of DARPA?

The Complete name of DARPA is “Defence Advance Research Projects Administration”.

What is the Complete name of ARPANET?

The Complete name of ARPANET is “Advanced Research Projects Agency Network”.

How many bits an IP address is?

IP address is a minimum 32 bit address. It will be in the form of aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd.

What is the structure of an IP address?

Structure of an IP address is like aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd. In these 4 units each unit can contain value from 0 to 255. E.g

What is a Router?

One network is connected to another network using certain devices known as routers. Information is sent from one machine to other in the form of packets. Each packet will have a header( which contains address of the machine to which the packets are sent) and a body. So router checks the header of the packet and sends the information to the specified machine.

What are the types of Network typologies?

There are 3 kinds of Network Topologies Physical topology, Signal topology & Logical topology.

What are the types of Physical Topologies?

Physical Topology refers to the Physical Connections and the mapping between the Network nodes. There are various types of physical typologies. The commonly known physical Topologies are as below.


What are the different types of Bus Topologies?

Bus Topology is 2 types linear & distributed bus topology.

What is Signal Topology?

Signal topology is the mapping of different nodes in a network based on the paths by which the signals pass through. Signal topology generally refers to the actual path that the signals (e.g., electromagnetic, electrical, optical, etc.) take when propagating between nodes.

What is Logical Topology?

Logical topology refers to the mapping of nodes based on the paths taken by actual data in the network. It is similar to signal topology, but here the determining factor is path of data, not signals. In many cases logical topology and signal topology are used interchangeably.

Which device we use in Star Topology to connect nodes?


Ring topology is Directional or Unidirectional?


What is the other name of Tree Topology?

Tree topology is also known as “Hierarchical Topology”.

In which topology troubleshooting is easier?

Compare to Other topology in Star Topology troubleshooting is easier.

In Signal Topology which materials we use to connect nodes?

Signal topology is the mapping of different nodes in a network based on the paths by which the signals pass through. Signal topology generally refers to the actual path that the signals (e.g., electromagnetic, electrical, optical, etc.) take when propagating between nodes.

Who checks whether the authorized person only can access the intranet?

An intranet of an organization is accessible to employees of that particular organization only. A software known as firewall is used to ensure this. Firewall checks whether the authorized person only can access.

What is the Complete name of TCP/IP?

The Complete name of TCP/IP is “Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol”.

What is the Complete name of HTML?

The Complete name of HTML is “Hyper Text Markup Language”.

What is the Complete name of HTTP?

The Complete name of HTTP is “Hyper Text Transfer Protocol”.

What is the Complete name of VPN?

The Complete name of VPN is “Virtual Private Network”.

What is LAN?

A computer network which covers small geographic area like office, home or group of buildings and which is used often to achieve Intranet is called a LAN (Local Area Network). The data is transfer in LAN is much faster when compared to that of internet. LAN is limited to a small geographical region, but internet can be accessed from anywhere in the world. A dedicated telecommunication line is required for internet but it is not needed in LAN. Telecommunication line is required for internet.

What is WAN?

Network over a large area is termed as Wide Area Network (WAN). Usually this type of network would be spread across geographical boundaries using routers and public communication links. Internet would be a perfect example for a WAN. Other examples include telephone lines, microwave links and satellite channels.

What is the word from which “Ethernet” is derived?

Ethernet as the name suggests has been evolved from the ancient term “ether”, meaning the medium through which light propagates.

What are the examples of WAN?

Some of the example of Wide Area Network is Telephone lines, Microwave links and Satellite Channels.

What is the range of transmission rate across WAN?

Usually the transmission rate across this network would be in the range of 1200 bits/seconds to 6 Mbit/seconds.

What is the transmission speeds of ATM or Leased lines?

ATM and leased lines can even have transmission speeds greater than 156 Mbit/seconds.

Who & in which year introduced www?

The whole idea of www was introduced in 1989 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who is considered as the father of internet. Since then the growth of internet was rapid. Tim Berners-Lee himself introduced the terms like URL, http. He is currently the chairman of W3C which is the governing body of the web.

What is the Complete name of W3C?

World Wide Web Consortium. You can reach them at http://www.w3.org.

Who is the governing body of Web?

The Governing body of web is “World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)”.

What is the Complete name of URL?

URL stands for “Uniform Resource Locator”.

Where DNS Server resides?

There will be a DNS server local to the client’s network. DNS server will map the domain name to the particular IP address. Local DNS Server will check whether that IP address is present in the network.

What is the Complete name of ISP?

The Complete name of ISP is “Internet Service Provider”.

What is the Complete name of OSI Model?

The Complete name of OSI 7 layer model is “Open Systems Interconnection Model”.

How many layers are existing in OSI Model?

OSI model is a newer network model compared to TCP/IP model. It is also known as the OSI seven layer model since it contains seven layers. The OSI Model consists of the Application Layer, Presentation Layer, Session Layer, Transport Layer, Network Layer, Data Link, and Physical layers from top to bottom.

What is the Complete name of FTP?

The Complete name of FTP is “File Transfer Protocol”.

What is the Complete name of XML?

XML Stands for “Extended Markup Language”.

What are the advantages using TCP?

There are many advantages by using a connection oriented TCP protocol. These are data arrives in-order, data has minimum errors (i.e. correctness), data duplicated is discarded, lost/discarded packets are resent, includes traffic congestion control.

What is the other name of Domain Name?

Hostname (eg. example.com)

What is a domain name?

Domain name identifies a computer on the Internet belonging to particular network. These names appear as a part of a Website’s URL, e.g. example.com. These types of domains are also called as hostname.

What is the Complete name of SGML?

SGML stands for “Standard Generalized Markup Language”.

Who and when introduced the first version of HTML?

The first version of HTML was introduced in July, 1993 by Tim Berners-Lee.

Who is the father of Internet?

Tim Berners-Lee was called father of Internet.

When 2nd revision of HTML was introduced?

Second version HTML 2.0 was introduced in April, 1995.

When HTML 3.0 was released?

HTML 3.0 was launched in September, 1995. HTML 3.0 contained some complex mathematical elements, more attributes for tables.

When HTML4 was released?

HTML 4.0 was introduced in April, 1998.

When HTML5 was released?

HTML 5 was introduced on 22 January 2008.

What is TLD?

A top-level domain, referred to as a top-level domain name (TLDN) sometimes. It is the part of the domain name which comes after the final dot in it. For instance, in the domain name www.infosys.com, com or COM is the TLDN. The top level domain names are standardized to mainly two divisions.

What is CCTLD?

A CCTLD is an Internet top level domain generally reserved for a country. Creation and delegation of ccTLDs is achieved by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). Examples for ccTLD are .in, .us, .uk etc.

What is the Complete name of IANA?

The Compete name of IANA is “Internet Assigned Numbers Authority”.

What is the default port number for HTTP?

The default port number for HTTP is 80.

What is the default port number for FTP?

The default port number for FTP is 21.

What is FTP?

FTP is a system protocol which will be used for transferring data from one computer to another through a network, like the data that is transferred s over the Internet. The default port for FTP is port no: 21.

What is the different types of way to transfer data using FTP?

FTP uses two modes of data transfer. Those are ASCII mode and BINARY mode.

What is ASCII mode of FTP data transfer?

When a file is transferred using an ASCII mode, the individual letters, numbers, and characters are transferred using their ASCII character codes. In this mode which is used as default by most FTP clients, the data will be saved in a text file in the proper format at the receiving machine.

What are the HTTP status Codes?

Few of the most Common http error codes are as below.

  • 200 – OK
  • 302 – Found
  • 400 – Bad Request
  • 401 – Unauthorized
  • 403 – Forbidden
  • 404 – Not found
  • 500 – Internal Server error.

What is 404 http status Code?

When we request for a page which is not present in the server, the browser will show “404: page not found”.

What are the http methods?

Basically 3 methods we use under http methods Get, Post and Head. In GET method, the client side information is sent to browser as parameters. These parameters will be encoded with the URL as name value pair. In POST method the information from client is sent to server as part of the message body of http request. The data can also be encrypted to ensure the security. The HEAD method gets only the information about the document, not the document itself. As a less data is transferred, HEAD is much faster than GET.

What are the layers of 3 tire Application?

Presentation Layer – Presentation layer which is the highest layer in the application takes care of the display in the browser. It can communicate with other tiers. Web servers are the main components of presentation tier. Graphical User Interface (GUI) is provided by the presentation layer.

Application Layer – Application tier takes care of the business logic. That means the basic functionality of the application is carried out by the application tier. Application server controls the functionality of the business application.

Data Layer – Data is stored in this tier. Data tier mainly consists of Database Servers.

What is a Web Server?

Web Server is the important component of the presentation tier of the three-tier client server architecture. It is actually a computer program which accepts the http requests and sends the requested data as http response. The data mainly consist of HTML pages. There are two types data:

Static Web Server – Static content is the data that is present in the file system in the database server

Dynamic Web Server – The program that is run by the web server generates Dynamic content. It is slower compared to static content. Apache, Microsoft IIS are examples of web servers which are commonly used.

What is thin Client?

The web applications which are accessible through the internet are known as real world web applications. Real world web applications generally use three-tier client-server architecture. The client is generally known as thin client.

What fat Server?

Web server, Application server and Database server will be the server side. So the server is known as fat server.

Give examples of Web Server?

IIS and Apache.

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